Saturday, August 13, 2016

3DO Interactive Multiplayer Cheats - The Horde

Code notes:
Enter the map editor, hold Up, hold A, and hold B. With all these pressed, press P. Then, enter one of the following codes, then press P to resume the game.

Show FMV sequences:
Enter the map editor. Hold Up + A + B, and press P. Then, press Right, A, Left(2), A, Up, B. Press P to view the game's FMV sequences. Press any button to advance to the next video.

Speed up:
Enter the map editor. Hold Up + A + B, and press P. Then, press B, Right, A, B. Press P to resume game play with Chauncey moving at double speed. Collect the Boots Of Boogie to move at quadruple speed.

Full map:
Enter the map editor. Hold Up + A + B, and press P. Then, press Left, A, Up, Down, B, A(2), B. Press P to resume game play with the ability to immediately view the entire map.

Level skip:
Enter the map editor. Hold Up + A + B, and press P. Then, press Down, A, Left(2), Down, A(2), Right. Press P to resume game play to complete the current level and return to castle.

More money:
Enter the map editor. Hold Up + A + B, and press P. Then, press Left, A(2), B, Left, A, Right, Down. Press P to resume game play and give Chauncey the maximum (30,000) number of crowns.

All items:
Enter the map editor. Hold Up + A + B, and press P. Then, press B, Right, A, Left(2), Down, Right, A, Left(2). Press P to resume game play with all items available for the inventory.

Enter the map editor. Hold Up + A + B, and press P. Then, press A, Down(2), Right, A, Down. Press P to resume game play. The game will continue even if the entire village is destroyed.

Enter the map editor. Hold Up + A + B, and press P. Then, press B, Up, Right, Down, A, Down, A, Right. Press P to resume game play with an invincible Chauncey.


Code notes:
Enter the map editor, hold Up, hold A, and hold B. With all these pressed, press P. Then, enter one of the following codes, then press P to resume the game.

Show FMV sequences:
Enter the map editor. Hold Up + A + B, and press P. Then, press Right, A, Left(2), A, Up, B. Press P to view the game's FMV sequences. Press any button to advance to the next video.

Speed up:
Enter the map editor. Hold Up + A + B, and press P. Then, press B, Right, A, B. Press P to resume game play with Chauncey moving at double speed. Collect the Boots Of Boogie to move at quadruple speed.

Full map:
Enter the map editor. Hold Up + A + B, and press P. Then, press Left, A, Up, Down, B, A(2), B. Press P to resume game play with the ability to immediately view the entire map.

Level skip:
Enter the map editor. Hold Up + A + B, and press P. Then, press Down, A, Left(2), Down, A(2), Right. Press P to resume game play to complete the current level and return to castle.

More money:
Enter the map editor. Hold Up + A + B, and press P. Then, press Left, A(2), B, Left, A, Right, Down. Press P to resume game play and give Chauncey the maximum (30,000) number of crowns.

All items:
Enter the map editor. Hold Up + A + B, and press P. Then, press B, Right, A, Left(2), Down, Right, A, Left(2). Press P to resume game play with all items available for the inventory.

Enter the map editor. Hold Up + A + B, and press P. Then, press A, Down(2), Right, A, Down. Press P to resume game play. The game will continue even if the entire village is destroyed.

Enter the map editor. Hold Up + A + B, and press P. Then, press B, Up, Right, Down, A, Down, A, Right. Press P to resume game play with an invincible Chauncey.


[Note: There are two versions of this game. The first release had an unfortunate bug that deleted all your saved games to make room for its own saves. This was corrected by Crystal Dynamics and recent packages include the updated game. To tell which version it is -- look for "RCB" above the UPC symbol.. If there is a sticker that says RCB, it is the fixed updated version. Crystal Dynamics will also exchange the bugged version.]

Cheat and option codes
Before entering codes--start the game as normal. Hold Up, A & B, and press Pause. Enter the code and unpause. The word associated with the code substitutes T for B button and O for A button. [i.e. The word TOT would translate to the code BAB]

View Cinemas:
ROLLOUT (Right, A, Left, Left, A, Up, B).  All the video cinemas will play--press Stop to skip to the next video clip.

Finish Level:
DOLLDOOR (Down, A Left, Left, Down, A, A, Right)

Get 30,000 crowns:
LOOTLORD (Left, A, A, B, Left, A, Right, Down) You can do this whenever you are low on cash, but you'll never get more than 30,000 from it.

Show whole map:
LOUDTOOT (Left, A, Up, Down, B, A, A, B)

Keep playing:
ODDROB (A, Down, Down, Right, A, Down) Lets you keep on playing even if the entire village is destroyed by the Horde, Rosco or you with the flame thrower!

Make Magic Items Available:
TROLLDROOL (B, Right, A, Left, Left, Down, Right, A, A, Left) Makes all magic items available in the purchase item screen.

Speed up Chauncy:
TROT (B, Right, A, B) Makes Sir Chauncy run 2X as fast. Combined with the Boots of Boogie he moves 4X!

TURDODOR (B, Up, Right, Down, A, Down, Right) Chauncey is invincible. He'll still say ouch, but it won't hurt a bit when he's hit.

Strategy Guide
One of the most common mistakes that causes players financial trouble is NOT selling back items before moving on to the next land. When you dig up a cow, fence, pit, soldier, or whatever, you get back money equal to what it costs to place that object down in the first place. So in the Shimto Plains at the winter of year 3, make sure you sell all your cows and stuff.  The Tree Realms goes to year 4, so sell your stuff in the winter of that year. Each "land" lasts one year longer than the previous one.

Shimto Plains:
No hidden items.  Start off by chopping down trees and planting as many saplings as you can.  Repeat this for a few seasons until you have enough to buy a cow.  Place cows in the south of your town, as hordlings come mostly from the north.  Keep making cows and saplings so that you have 10 or more cows by the end of year 3.  Don't forget to pick them all back up in the winter before you go to the Tree Realms of Alburga!

Tree Realms of Alburga:
Plant as many saplings as you possibly can.  Keep planting until it says "at max" in your inventory box.  After the hordlings come, plant more to replace the ones they destroy.  After a few rounds of this, the Dryad will give you the Boots of Boogie.

Fetid Swamps of Buuzal:
Around the third year or so, your map will become large enough to show two "arrows" made of stones (apparent on the overview map). Dig at the intersection of these two invisible lines to find the magic flute.  This is probably the most useful (and annoying sounding) items in the game.

Kar-Nyar Desert:
Keep making those waterways!  A tree will grow when you get water to an odd-looking bush, which grows in a random spot.  The tree frog wants the three foods you can find scattered around the desert--the Blue Fruit, Green Meat, and Purple Seeds.  Just set them down next to the tree and he'll give you his Trident.

Frozen Wastes of Vesh:
Use bombs to blow away the snow in the preparation stage (this is the only land where you can use bombs during this stage), or summon Roscoe to melt away huge strips during the battle stages.  Be careful with Roscoe, though--he levels houses really quickly.

Here are the hordes to expect each season for the first 10 years...
   <------------> <-----------------> <------------- o:p="">
   Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3
#1 5678 6864 7345 666x 7x-8 8--- xx-- 78-5 85-- x---
#2        24   12        4     8 --36            3
#3                  12  354   x   335
#4            122            3-1    6      --1- --1-
#5                     ---1      --1-      -1-- -1--
#6                                    --23 -368 -577

'x' means 10, so basically the 2nd land, year 2 is a bitch...

#1-6 are the six different hordling types. 1 is the basic type, 2 is the walking mouth, 3 is the plumber, 4 is the lumbering one, 5 is the wizard one, 6 is the crocodile one.

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