Friday, August 19, 2016

Xbox One Cheats - Kalimba

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Bird Beater (75 GP) --- Save Kalimba by defeating The Bird
Bling Bling (10 GP) --- Get a golden totem piece
Bonanza (50 GP) --- Achieve an all golden Middleworld totem
Explorer (10 GP) --- Find all challengerooms
Gold Digger (25 GP) --- Achieve an all golden Underworld totem
I like turtles! (10 GP) --- Complete the Gravity room
Illuminati (25 GP) --- Re-assemble the menu pyramid
Kalimba in the sky (75 GP) --- Achieve an all golden Upperworld totem
Snake Charmer (25 GP) --- Save the Underworld by defeating The Snake
Split Totemality (100 GP) --- Complete all co-op levels in Shorthanded mode
Supersecret (25 GP) --- The arm that holds the tree can also hold the totem
That Eighties Feel (100 GP) --- Complete the game with the ol'school mode enabled
That's right! (25 GP) --- Complete a level without dying and always pressing right on the joypad
The Achieving Achievement (25 GP) --- Complete all the rooms
The Bouncing Achievement (10 GP) --- Complete the Bouncing room
The Challenging Achievement (10 GP) --- Complete the Challenging room
The Color Achievement (10 GP) --- Complete the Color room
The Floating Achievement (10 GP) --- Complete the Floating room
The Fragile Achievement (10 GP) --- Complete the Fragile room
The Freezing Achievement (10 GP) --- Complete the Freezing room
The Friendship test (25 GP) --- Achieve a golden coop totem piece
The Midas Touch (100 GP) --- Get an all golden totem pole
The Precision Achievement (10 GP) --- Complete the Precision room
There's no place like Metaspace (25 GP) --- Get a score higher than 50 in a Metaspace
True Friends (100 GP) --- Achieve an all golden coop totem pole
Twin Slayer (50 GP) --- Save the Middleworld by defeating The Twins
Undying (50 GP) --- Defeat a boss without dying

DLC Achievements - Ultimate Kalimba Bundle
Complete one of the following Ultimate Kalimba Bundle DLC achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
A mighty Friend Ship (75 GP) --- Achieve an all golden The Dark Void Coop Totempole
Cuidado! Llamas! (20 GP) --- Complete a game of Llama
Deja vu (20 GP) --- Play through "DJ Steelface" twice, in one go, without dying
Faster than a Shaman (50 GP) --- Set a time in all levels in Puma Mode
KAPOW (20 GP) --- Squash 12 seekers at once
Like a rockstar (10 GP) --- Tumble into an end level totempiece
M-M-M-Monsterkill (20 GP) --- Kill 50 seekers
Meep Meep (20 GP) --- Beat any Hoebear time in Puma Mode
Perfect Spiritual Harmony (100 GP) --- Get a gold totem in every level. Finish Shorthanded, Old Skool, and Puma Mode.
Plot Twist! (10 GP) --- Discover the Dark Void
Secret Dance Party (20 GP) --- What goes up, must come down... and then go up again
The Friendship Has Sailed (20 GP) --- Complete the Dark Void co-op
Totem poles everywhere! (75 GP) --- Achieve an all golden The Dark Void Solo totempole
Who's a perky log now! (20 GP) --- Complete the Dark Void

You... Yes, you! (20 GP) --- Squash the seeker in "Jeffmoldblum"

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