Button --- Effect
Left --- Rotate left
Right --- Rotate right
Up --- Walk forward or push object
Up + B --- Run forward or push object
Down --- Walk backward
Down + B --- Pull object
A --- Action (search, take, use)
B --- Cancel option
C --- Jump
LS --- Toggle between three viewing modes: Third person cinema view
(game-selected camera angle), first person view, or an overhead view.
RS --- Rotate mode: While pressed, use the D-pad to look in any
direction, including up or down, without changing position or direction. In the
third person view, the character's head will move around. In the first person
this feature is used to look up or down.
P --- Brings up the inventory/menu. Left or Right moves through the
inventory items. Changing the bottom option will toggle a textual (kanji)
description of the selected item. A uses the pictured item. Select the red book
to save games or return to the opening menu.
Button --- Effect
Left --- Rotate left
Right --- Rotate right
Up --- Walk forward or push object
Up + B --- Run forward or push object
Down --- Walk backward
Down + B --- Pull object
A --- Action (search, take, use)
B --- Cancel option
C --- Jump
LS --- Toggle between three viewing modes: Third person cinema view
(game-selected camera angle), first person view, or an overhead view.
RS --- Rotate mode: While pressed, use the D-pad to look in any
direction, including up or down, without changing position or direction. In the
third person view, the character's head will move around. In the first person
this feature is used to look up or down.
P --- Brings up the inventory/menu. Left or Right moves through the
inventory items. Changing the bottom option will toggle a textual (kanji)
description of the selected item. A uses the pictured item. Select the red book
to save games or return to the opening menu.
Control Translation [Japanese import]
+ The d-pad controls the movements:
o d-left: rotate left.
o d-right: rotate right.
o d-up: walk forward.
o d-down: walk backward.
+ A: action - search, take, use, whatever.
+ B:
+ C: run - a little faster than walk.
+ L-SHIFT: change views. Toggle between three viewing modes:
1. 3rd person cinema view; author
has selected camera angle.
2. 1st person out-the-eyeball
view (ala Doom).
3. Overhead map view.
+ R-SHIFT is the "rotate" mode: While the r-shift button is
depressed, you can turn your head, look up/down without changing your
position/facing. In the 3rd person view, you watch the characters head move
around. In the 1st person "eyeball" view, you can use this feature to
look up/down.
+ Play/Pause: Brings up inventory/menu. Unfortunately, all of the text
is in Japanese, but you can still get the basic idea.
o Up/down to move through
inventory items.
o left/right to look at a
textual (katakana) description of the selected item.
o A: use pictured item. Hint:
the book that you start out with is where you can save/restore games.
o d-left and d-right: Switch
between inventory / text description of items.
o d-up and d-down: Scroll
through inventory items.
BTW, the view switching is IMO one of the best
features of the game. Certain camera angles that are selected for you can be
somewhat limiting; changing views allows you to see as much of each room as
Hint: in the second (living?) room, there is a key located inside of the
grandfather clock. When you take the key out, the room shakes a bit and there
is some strange animation that shows the camera zooming away from the room. I
have no idea what the hell this means, but the key is necessary to go on. I
have not solved this one yet, so don't go asking for more hints because I
probably will not know the answer. Good luck, and happy adventuring!
1. Wait 5 seconds for SHANDALIER
to drop
2. Exit room
3. Collect `WHITE KEY ' from Grandfather
4. Open directly opposite door
over other side of room with `WHITE KEY '
5. Enter second door
6. Remove `FLOWERS' from Varse 1
7. Plant `FLOWERS' in Varse 2
8. Collect `WHITE KEY ' from Bed
9. Enter next room through the
Flower Picture
10. Collect `GREEN BOOK' from
Desk near door
11. Collect `RED KEY ' from Dressing
Table up room
12. Collect `FLOOR MAP ' from 3rd Wardrobe
13. Exit room via Door
14. Run to end of Corridor and
press `A' on Red Machine
15. Exit via running over old
floor and Door
16. Enter Double Doors near
GrandFather Clock using `RED KEY '
17. Push Table (End First)
towards other wall (!! This sets a switch and allows back doors to be opened
18. Pull Cubboard down side of
the room and exit through Door
19. Run up Passage as soon as you
can and enter the Side Entrance
20. Enter Front facing Door to
get into Kitchen 2
21. Collect `ORANGE KEY ' from 3rd Cubboard
22. Collect `KNIFE' from 3rd
Cubboard on other Wall
23. Collect `PETROL CAN' from off
the floor by the Red Table
24. Exit Room
25. Enter Door to get into
Kitchen 1
26. Push Table up room towards
Cubboard 4 Squares then across Hole
27. Walk across Table, and
collect `AXE ' from Side Facing cubboard
28. Exit room
29. Go back down Corridor to the
next Door on the opposite side, and Enter the Door using the `ORANGE KEY ' to get to Dining
30. Collect `CANDLE STICKS' off
Giant Table
31. Collect `WOOD' from off the
FirePlace (!! This makes holes and floor in parts disappear !!)
32. Jump over all holes and then
Exit the room
33. Enter next Door up on same
side as Exit Door (StairCase's) (!! 3 Giant Spikes will come from under the
Floor to block you !!)
34. Enter Door on the Left 1/3,
And go to very Bottom Bookshelves
from 1st Bookshelf
36. Collect `CROW BAR' from next
Bookselve's bottom Bookshelf
37. Walk up to First Bookshelves,
Collect `SHOTGUN' from 1st Bookshelf
38. Enter opposite Bookshelf (!!
You now go down a underground hole using a Ladder !!)
39. Collect `RED BOOK' from 5th
Bookcase round
40. Collect `RED BOOK' from 1st
Bookcase over other side (Back/Middle)
41. Collect `GREEN BOOK' from
Desk near Air Vent
42. Collect `AIR VENT ' off Wall, Collect
`PAPER' off Table
43. Exit room via First Bookshelf
on other side of Red Book one! (!! You now go up a underground hole using a
Ladder !!)
44. Remove boards off Entrance up
Top Left Corner using `CROWBAR'
45. Use `CANDLESTICKS', use
46. Go down Corridor and open
boarded style Door
47. Collect `GREEN BOOK' from 1st
48. Stand by Bed looking towards
the Green Light and use `SHOTGUN'
49. Enter Door back into Hallway
behind the Spikes now!
50. Press `A' at Dead Body on the
ground and collect `RED KEY '
51. Now enter next Door using
`RED KEY ' and dodge the big cutters
52. Open the Brown Box and
collect the `WOODEN KEY ' and Exit room
53. Use `WOODEN KEY ' and enter Door
round corner
54. Look at the Picture on the
wall by pressing `A' activating the switch
55. Walk (DONT RUN ) across Hole in
Floor along Picture side
56. Open Door, Collect `ORANGE KEY ' from 2nd bottom
57. Collect `GREEN BOOK' off bottom
table, now Exit
58. Walk along opposite side of
Hole and enter Door using `ORANGE KEY '
59. Open First Cubboard near
Painting (!! This fires the deadly GrandFather clock Dart into wall !!)
60. Go back to Dart Clock Room
and use `AXE ' on the Orange Hook
61. Open Painting on wall, and
collect `PAINTING' from Cubboard
62. Open 2nd door away from
Painting, Collect `DYNAMITE'
63. Exit Room, walk to side of
Fireplace (top) and press `A' twice (!! You now go down a underground hole
using a Ladder !!) (!! You then fall off the bottom of the Ladder into a !!)(!!
New area with *WOW* new creepier music !!)
64. Open Doors on Right, Collect
`WHITE KEY ' off Bodie, Exit Room
65. Enter other Door, Plant
Dynamite at far Front Wall, Use `CIGARETTE LIGHTER' upon the `DYNAMITE' and
!!QUICKLY!! Exit the room.
66. Enter Same Room Again, and go
up to Wagon and press `A' (!! Watch yet more great graphics as you enter the
tunnels !!)
67. Use `WHITE KEY ' the one next to
`PAINTING' in inventory on Door (!! Marvel at some really nice graphics !!)
68. As soon as intro has
finished, Select `PAINTING' and then EyE ViEw and run forwardly (not 100%)
towards the Face in Blue Beam. Once Close enough, the character you control
will throw the PAINTING automatically into the bosses mouth.
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