To unlock the following
Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
A Quaint Little Bistro (Silver
Trophy) --- Unlock the third Gravlock
Advanced Cookery Diploma
(Silver Trophy) --- Unlock 40 Astro Pins
Basic Hygiene Certificate
(Bronze Trophy) --- Unlock 10 Astro Pins
Brigade de Cuisine (Silver
Trophy) --- Earn a medal in 5 co-op challenges
Chef de Cuisine (Gold Trophy)
--- Discover 100 different flavours of soup
Commis Chef (Bronze Trophy)
--- Complete the tutorials
Country Pub (Silver Trophy)
--- Unlock the second Gravlock
Culinary Arts Award (Gold
Trophy) --- Unlock All Astro Pins
Culinary Perfection (Gold
Trophy) --- Achieve an Elite medal in any Challenge
Delivery Boy (Bronze Trophy)
--- Complete 5 days in other players games
Dining Al Fresco (Bronze
Trophy) --- Eat 10 different ingredients
Double Eleven (Bronze Trophy)
--- Play the game at 11:11
Escuelerie (Bronze Trophy) ---
Earn a medal in 5 Challenges
Food Science (Silver Trophy)
--- Unlock all available upgrades
It's Time To Cook Soup and
Chew Gum (Bronze Trophy) --- Chew 5 Galactic Gums at once
Local Takeaway (Bronze Trophy)
--- Unlock the first Gravlock
Master Chef (Platinum Trophy)
--- Congratulations!
Mobile Catering (Silver
Trophy) --- Earn a medal in all Challenge types
Potager (Gold Trophy) --- Earn
a medal in 20 Challenges
Primordial Soup (Bronze
Trophy) --- Blend and ship your first soup
Souperseded (Bronze Trophy)
--- Defeat your first rival soup company
Sous-chef de Cuisine (Silver
Trophy) --- Discover 50 different flavours of soup
Super Astro Bros! (Bronze
Trophy) --- Use the Hopper EX to kill a Shroomba
The Favoured Flavour (Silver
Trophy) --- Create and ship the legendary 'Nutrient Nova' soup
The Great Business Soup Off
(Gold Trophy) --- Defeat all rival soup companies in the campaign
The Kitchen Of The Future!
(Silver Trophy) --- Create a factory with every type of robot
The Tenderiser (Bronze Trophy)
--- Defeat 5 Queens
Tournant (Silver Trophy) ---
Earn a medal in 10 Challenges
Variety Is The Spice Of Life
(Silver Trophy) --- Create a factory with 5 soup machines that do not use any
of the same ingredients
Would You Like To Supersize
That? (Silver Trophy) --- Create a 100 piece factory in Conquest or S.O.O.P.
Yes Chef! (Silver Trophy) ---
Help ship 100 cans of soup for other players
You Can't Put A Price On Taste
(Silver Trophy) --- Spend over 100,000 gold
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