Monday, January 30, 2017

Playstation Vita Cheats - Orgarhythm

To unlock the following PSVita Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
[Hard] difficulty stage cleared! (Silver) --- Cleared every in [Hard] difficulty.
[Normal] difficulty stage cleared! (Bronze) --- Cleared every in [Normal] difficulty.
[orgarhythm] Every Clear (Platinum) --- Obtained every other [orgarhythm] trophies.
Battlefield Musician (Bronze) --- Achieved S-Rank 10 times.
Carnival Soldier (Silver) --- Achieved S-Rank 20 times.
Carnivorous (Bronze) --- Invoked [Attack] support skill 100 times.
Cinema Enthusiast (Bronze) --- Played every movies.
Comrade-in-Arms (Bronze) --- Cleared a map in co-op mode.
Conductor of Many Orders (Silver) --- [Dragging] length exceeded 100 miles.
Conservative (Bronze) --- Invoked [Guard] support skill 100 times.
Dark Hunter (Bronze) --- Defeated 10,000 Dark Tribe warriors.
Diligence (Bronze) --- Cleared every tutorials.
Discord (Bronze) --- Acquired Game Over in co-op mode.
Eccentric (Silver) --- 100 clears achieved.
Finding Friendly Faces (Bronze) --- Played in co-op mode.
First Tutorial (Bronze) --- Cleared tutorial for the first time.
God Bless (Bronze) --- Used a support skill.
God of Healing (Bronze) --- Invoked [Heal] support skill 100 times.
Groove (Bronze) --- 50 clears achieved.
Loser (Bronze) --- Lost in versus mode.
Marathon Runner (Bronze) --- God of Light movement distance passed 42.195km.
MAX Voltage (Bronze) --- Raised voltage rank to max level. Raised voltage rank to max level.
No Sense of Rhythm (Gold) --- Achieved 100 bad taps in a row.
Orgarhythmer (Gold) --- Achieved S-Rank in every stages and on every difficulty levels.
Rival (Bronze) --- Played in versus mode.
S-Hunter (Bronze) --- Achieved S-Rank 5 times.
Sound Director (Bronze) --- Altered the sound volume in-game.
Standing Alone (Bronze) --- Cleared a map without using any support.
Stopper (Bronze) --- Invoked [Slow] support skill 100 times.
Striker (Bronze) --- Deployed 1,000 [Strike] troops.
Suite 10 (Bronze) --- 10 clears achieved.
Trails in the Heavens (Bronze) --- Drew a line through [Dragging].
Universal (Silver) --- Acquired every skills (excepting for DLC).
Voltage Up (Bronze) --- Increased voltage rank.
Welcome to [orgarhythm] (Bronze) --- Began playing [orgarhythm].
Winner (Bronze) --- Won in versus mode.
Zero Deaths (Bronze) --- Cleared a map without losing a single warrior.

Secret Trophies
To unlock the following PSVita - Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
[Bloody Battle] cleared! (Bronze) --- Cleared [Bloody Battle].
[Cannon of Revenge] cleared! (Bronze) --- Cleared [Cannon of Revenge].
[Dark Ballroom] cleared! (Bronze) --- Cleared [Dark Ballroom].
[Dark Beats] cleared! (Bronze) --- Cleared [Dark Beats].
[Flying Cannon] cleared! (Bronze) --- Cleared [Flying Cannon].
[Holy Oratorio] cleared! (Bronze) --- Cleared [Holy Oratorio].
[Inspiration and Expiration] cleared! (Bronze) --- Cleared [Inspiration and Expiration].
[Nameless Goddess] cleared! (Bronze) --- Cleared [Nameless Goddess].
[Second Beat] cleared! (Bronze) --- Cleared [Second Beat].
[Soaring Demons] cleared! (Bronze) --- Cleared [Soaring Demons].
[Squall] cleared! (Bronze) --- Cleared [Squall].
[Surface of the Wasteland] cleared! (Bronze) --- Cleared [Surface of the Wasteland].
Face of the Devil (Bronze) --- Deployed 1,000 [Sacrifice] troops.
Hail of Stones (Bronze) --- Deployed 1,000 [Catapult] troops.
Master of Archery (Bronze) --- Deployed 1,000 [Archer] troops.

Spirited Away (Bronze) --- Failed to inflict any damage to enemy with [Sacrifice] skill.

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