Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Playstation 4 Cheats - Farming Simulator 15

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Arborist (Bronze Trophy) --- You planted a tree using a tree planter.
Bales of Steel (Silver Trophy) --- You created 100 bales in one game.
Coins on the Streets (Silver Trophy) --- You have found 50 gold coins.
Completionist (Platinum Trophy) --- You have collected all trophies.
Cowboy (Gold Trophy) --- You own a herd of at least 50 cows.
Financial Folly (Silver Trophy) --- You managed to reach a negative balance on your very first day.
Fruits of Your Labor (Bronze Trophy) --- You have harvested more than 10 hectares.
Harvest King (Silver Trophy) --- You have harvested more than 100 hectares.
Heavy Load (Silver Trophy) --- You sold 50 tons of wood in one game.
Longplayer (Silver Trophy) --- Your playing time in a single savegame has reached over 10 hours.
Lumberjack (Gold Trophy) --- You cut down 50 trees in one game with a chainsaw or a wood harvester.
Mass Production (Silver Trophy) --- The total area sown by you exceeds 100 hectares.
Mission Master (Silver Trophy) --- You have completed 50 missions.
Mobile Farmer (Bronze Trophy) --- You have covered more than 100 mi with vehicles.
Nouveau-Riche (Bronze Trophy) --- Your account has reached more than 1 million.
Numismatist (Gold Trophy) --- You have found all 100 gold coins.
Out of Debt (Gold Trophy) --- You paid back the entire bank loan.
Pots of Gold (Gold Trophy) --- Your wealth has surpassed 10 million.
Reforestation (Silver Trophy) --- You planted 50 trees in one game using a tree planter.
Something Shiny (Bronze Trophy) --- You have found 25 gold coins.
Sower (Bronze Trophy) --- You have sown more than 10 hectares.
Sweet Dreams (Silver Trophy) --- You own a flock of at least 50 sheep.
Timber! (Bronze Trophy) --- You cut down a tree either with a chainsaw or a wood harvester.
Tree Expert (Silver Trophy) --- You cut down at least one of each tree species in one game.
Very Frequent Driver (Silver Trophy) --- Your total driving distance has increased to over 1000 mi.
Well-Heeled (Silver Trophy) --- There is more than 5 million in your account.
Wind Farm Starter Kit (Bronze Trophy) --- You bought and placed your first wind turbine.

Very Frequent Driver - Achievement Guide
This will actually by earned at 1,000 kilometers (or 621.4 miles) of driving.

Mission Master - Achievement Guide
Farm transport and mowing missions. Demand missions will not qualify.

Double your money
To obtain double the cash from gathering, take the load of whatever you have actually collected and offer it to the freight lawn. You will certainly get the existing rate for it. Next off, send out the train on its way. You will certainly make money once again 10 to 20 seconds later on. Keep in mind: This also works when offering wood at the lumberyard.

Gold coins strategy

To discover all the gold coins, discover the very first 10. The continuing to be coins will certainly now be exposed on the map.

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