Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Playstation 4 Cheats - Final Fantasy 14 Online: A Realm Reborn

To unlock the following PS3 Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
A Realm Restored (Platinum) --- Obtain all available FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn trophies
An Adventurer's Duty (Bronze) --- Complete your first levequest.
An Adventurer's Life (Silver) --- Complete 1,000 levequests.
Dabbler in Alchemy (Bronze) --- Synthesize an item as an alchemist.
Dabbler in Armorcraft (Bronze) --- Synthesize an item as an armorer.
Dabbler in Carpentry (Bronze) --- Synthesize an item as a carpenter.
Dabbler in Clothcraft (Bronze) --- Synthesize an item as a weaver.
Dabbler in Cooking (Bronze) --- Synthesize an item as a culinarian.
Dabbler in Goldsmithing (Bronze) --- Synthesize an item as a goldsmith.
Dabbler in Smithing (Bronze) --- Synthesize an item as a blacksmith.
Dabbler in Tanning (Bronze) --- Synthesize an item as a leatherworker.
Destiny's (Gold) --- Complete 1,000 FATEs.
Destiny's Child (Bronze) --- Join a FATE.
For Glory (Bronze) --- Complete your first guildhest.
For the Realm (Silver) --- Complete 100 guildhests.
In and Out (Bronze) --- Clear your first instanced raid.
Master of Materia (Silver) --- Successfully affix 100 materia.
Meddler in Materia (Bronze) --- Successfully affix materia to an item.
One with Ether (Silver) --- Synthesize 1,000 items as an alchemist.
One with Food (Silver) --- Synthesize 1,000 items as a culinarian.
One with Gold (Silver) --- Synthesize 1,000 items as a goldsmith.
One with Leather (Silver) --- Synthesize 1,000 items as a leatherworker.
One with Mail (Silver) --- Synthesize 1,000 items as an armorer.
One with Steel (Silver) --- Synthesize 1,000 items as a blacksmith.
One with Wood (Silver) --- Synthesize 1,000 items as a carpenter.
One with Wool (Silver) --- Synthesize 1,000 items as a weaver.
Page One (Bronze) --- Complete your first quest.
Repeat Offender (Gold) --- Clear 100 instanced raids.
Seeker of Truth (Bronze) --- Clear the Binding Coil.
Slay Thy Neighbor (Bronze) --- Participate in PvP.
Swing of the Axe (Bronze) --- Mine a mineral deposit.
Swing of the Hatchet (Bronze) --- Log at a mature tree.
Swing of the Rod (Bronze) --- Fish with your own rod and bait.
To Crush 10,000 Enemies (Silver) --- Defeat 10,000 enemies.
To Crush Your Enemy (Bronze) --- Defeat your first enemy.
Veteran Fisher (Silver) --- Fish 1,000 times.
Veteran Logger (Silver) --- Log at 1,000 mature trees.
Veteran Miner (Silver) --- Mine 1,000 mineral deposits.
Warrior of Light (Gold) --- Complete the main scenario.

Unlockable Advanced jobs
To unlock the following Advanced jobs, complete the following tasks. To unlock your classes advanced job you must first reach level 30 in your main class and level 15 in the sub class. Once these requirements are met you must complete the quest given by your the guild for your main class.
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Bard --- Archer 30 / Pugilist 15
Black Mage --- Thaumaturge 30 / Archer 15
Dragoon --- Lancer 30 / Marauder 15
Monk --- Pugilist 30 / Lancer 15
Paladin --- Gladiator 30 / Conjurer 15
Scholar --- Arcanist 30 / Conjurer 15
Summoner --- Arcanist 30 / Thaumaturge 15
Warrior --- Marauder 30 / Gladiator 15

White Mage --- Conjurer 15 / Arcanist 15

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