Saturday, June 11, 2016

Playstation Vita Cheats - Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders From Planet Space

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Bronze Star (Bronze Trophy) --- Clear all missions on Normal an Infantryman.
Commendation Medal (Bronze Trophy) --- Clear all missions on Easy as an Infantryman.
Distinguished Service Medal (Silver Trophy) --- Clear all missions on Inferno as an Infantryman.
Easy as Breathing (Bronze Trophy) --- Clear all missions on Easy as an Air Raider.
Fly the Friendly Skies (Bronze Trophy) --- Clear all missions on Easy as a Pale Wing.
Hurricane Season (Bronze Trophy) --- Clear all missions on Hardest as a Pale Wing.
Legion of Merit (Bronze Trophy) --- Clear all missions on Hard as an Infantryman.
Making it Rain (Bronze Trophy) --- Clear all missions on Normal as an Air Raider.
Mild Turbulence (Bronze Trophy) --- Clear all missions on Normal as a Pale Wing.
Mission Accomplished (Platinum Trophy) --- Obtain all other trophies.
Pale Wing, Pale Rider (Silver Trophy) --- Clear all missions on Inferno as a Pale Wing.
Raiders of the Lost Air (Silver Trophy) --- Clear all missions on Inferno as an Air Raider.
Raidin' Wins (Bronze Trophy) --- Clear all missions on Hard as an Air Raider.
Silver Star (Bronze Trophy) --- Clear all missions on Hardest as an Infantryman.
Stormy Weather (Bronze Trophy) --- Clear all missions on Hard as a Pale Wing.
The Great Raider (Bronze Trophy) --- Clear all missions on Hardest as an Air Raider.

Secret Trophies
To unlock the following Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
...Smashing Bugs Does Not Get Old (Bronze Trophy) --- Reach 4000 armor as an Infantrymen.
A Hundred Times a Hundred (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat 100 Dragon Centipedes.
Adan Subtractin' (Bronze Trophy) --- Take down 9 Adans.
Air Supremacy (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat 100 enemies with helicopters.
Analyst (Bronze Trophy) --- Send 10 chat messages to another player in the room in Co-op mode.
And That's Why They Call it a Chopper (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat 500 enemies with helicopters.
Armor Collector (Bronze Trophy) --- Acquire 30 armor boxes in a single mission.
Bau Down (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat 6000 Baus.
Bau Wow (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat 30 Bau Lords.
Bombers Away (Bronze Trophy) --- Take down 250 Bombers.
Bug Hunter (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat 10000 giant insects.
Bug Splatter (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat 1500 mutated insects.
Daroga Hunter (Bronze Trophy) --- Destroy 300 Darogas.
Deroy Junkin' (Bronze Trophy) --- Destroy 100 Deroys.
Elite Rescuer (Bronze Trophy) --- In Co-op mode, rescue other players 120 times.
GG Noobs (Bronze Trophy) --- Destroy Gilio and Giliora 180 times in total.
Gun Collector (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtain 50% of all available weapons.
Gun Enthusiast (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtain 25% of all available weapons.
Gun Fanatic (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtain 75% of all available weapons.
Gun Hobbyist (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtain 10% of all available weapons.
Gun Owner (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtain 5% of all available weapons.
Guns of Anarchy (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat 250 enemies with bikes.
I Can See You're Out of Aces (Bronze Trophy) --- Take down 100 Ace Fighters.
I Don't Know, But I've Been Told... (Bronze Trophy) --- Reach 2000 armor as an Infantryman.
Liaison (Bronze Trophy) --- Send 10 chat messages to another player during mission in Co-op mode.
Medic (Bronze Trophy) --- Heal another player with a Reverser-type weapon in Co-op mode.
More Like Mega Bummers (Bronze Trophy) --- Take down 20 Mega Bombers.
Mothership Down (Bronze Trophy) --- Take down 9 Motherships.
Not So Pale Now (Bronze Trophy) --- Reach 2000 armor as a Pale Wing.
Pride Goeth Before the Fall (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat Solas and Cyborg Solas 40 times in total.
Queen Sweep (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat 50 Queens.
Raiding the Gym (Bronze Trophy) --- Reach 4000 armor as an Air Raider.
Raiding the Pantry (Bronze Trophy) --- Reach 2000 armor as an Air Raider.
Reckless Driver (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat 50 enemies with bikes.
Rescuer (Bronze Trophy) --- In Co-op mode, rescue other players 5 times.
Shield Breaker (Bronze Trophy) --- Take down 200 Shield Bearers.
Soulless Kings (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat 9 Solas Kings.
Tanks for the Practice (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat 200 enemies with tanks.
The Hills are Dead (Bronze Trophy) --- Destroy 30 Insect Hills.
They Died for the Empire (Bronze Trophy) --- Take down 4000 Imperial Guard.
Treasure Hunter (Bronze Trophy) --- Acquire 15 weapon boxes in a single mission.
UFO Hunter (Bronze Trophy) --- Take down 7000 UFOs.
Veteran Rescuer (Bronze Trophy) --- In Co-op mode, rescue other players 50 times.
Walking Arsenal (Gold Trophy) --- Obtain 100% of all available weapons.
Where Angels Fear My Treads (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat 1000 enemies with tanks.
Winging It (Bronze Trophy) --- Reach 1000 armor as a Pale Wing.

You Can't Carry Any More (Bronze Trophy) --- Take down 250 Carriers.

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