Monday, June 6, 2016

Playstation Vita Cheats - Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library And The Monster Seal

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Advanced Class (Gold Trophy) --- Level up to an advanced class.
Begone, Foul One! (Bronze Trophy) --- Create a Sealbook.
Filthy Rich (Bronze Trophy) --- Acquire 100,000 gold.
I Scream for Ice Cream (Bronze Trophy) --- Eat at the Ice Cream Shop.
Intermediate Class (Silver Trophy) --- Level up to an intermediate class.
Legendary Forger (Gold Trophy) --- Enchant a piece of equipment to max rank at the Blacksmith Shop.
Master of the Royal Library (Platinum Trophy) --- Acquire all trophies.
Monster Annihilator (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat 500 monsters.
Monster Decimator (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat 1,000 monsters.
Monster Exterminator (Silver Trophy) --- Defeat 5,000 monsters.
Monster Obliterator (Gold Trophy) --- Defeat 20,000 monsters.
Monster Suppressor (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat 100 monsters.
One Good Deed a Day (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete a quest.
Penny Pincher (Bronze Trophy) --- Acquire 10,000 gold.
Portal to the Ramen Dimension (Bronze Trophy) --- Eat at the Ramen Shop.
Solidarity (Silver Trophy) --- Activate a party skill.
Stop, Hammer Time (Bronze Trophy) --- Enchant a piece of equipment at the Blacksmith Shop.
Team Play (Silver Trophy) --- Use a joint skill.
Violent Creature, Return to My Book! (Bronze Trophy) --- Create a Grand Sealbook.
We've Only Just Begun (Silver Trophy) --- Reach client level 3 at the Quest Desk.

Secret Trophies
To unlock the following Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Life On Mars-ala? (Silver Trophy) --- Unlock the Marsala Onsen.
Mo' Catacombs, Mo' Problems (Bronze Trophy) --- Unlock the Mostar Catacombs.
Pie in the Sky (Bronze Trophy) --- Unlock the Tower of Piertan.
Shahr-ing is Caring (Bronze Trophy) --- Unlock the Khorramshahr Village.
Sopping Wet (Silver Trophy) --- Unlock the Underground Waterway.
That's a Wrapp! (Bronze Trophy) --- Unlock the Temple of Wrappl.
The Good Samara-tan (Silver Trophy) --- Unlock the Samara Passage.
Tree's Company! (Silver Trophy) --- Unlock the Giant Tree of Tver.
Use It or Rousset (Silver Trophy) --- Unlock the Rousset Imperial Villa.
We Need to Go Deeper! (Gold Trophy) --- Unlock the Royal Library Depths.

Where is Your God Now? (Gold Trophy) --- Defeat the Demon God.

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