Complete one of the following
achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
10 Second Car (40 GP) ---
Acquire the Toyota Supra '98.
2 Fast (30 GP) --- Perform 5
''Speed'' Skills.
2 Furious (30 GP) --- Perform
10 ''Wreckage'' Skills.
9 Second Car (40 GP) ---
Acquire the Bugatti Veyron.
900 Horses of Detroit Muscle (40 GP) --- Acquire the Dodge Charger '70.
A Quarter Mile at a Time (40
GP) --- Acquire the Plymouth Cuda.
An Inch or a Mile (30 GP) ---
Perform 25 ''Near Miss'' Skills.
Burning Rubber (30 GP) ---
Perform 10 ''Burnout'' Skills.
Chain Reaction (30 GP) ---
Bank a Skill Chain of 50,000 or more.
Drift to Win (40 GP) ---
Acquire the Dodge Challenger '15.
Fast 7,000 (30 GP) --- Bank a
Skill Chain of 7,000 or more.
Fast and Furious (100 GP) ---
Get to Nice
First Draft (30 GP) ---
Perform 5 ''Drafting'' Skills.
Fully Charged (40 GP) ---
Acquire the Dodge Charger '15
Got nothin' but time (40 GP)
--- Restore the Plymouth Roadrunner.
High Flyer (30 GP) --- Perform
5 ''Air'' Skills.
How Long Was That Runway? (100
GP) --- Complete the Cargo Plane Showcase.
Just don't scratch it (40 GP)
--- Acquire the McLaren MP1.
Perks of the Job (40 GP) ---
Acquire the Maserati Ghibli.
Scratch That (30 GP) ---
Perform 5 ''Trading Paint'' Skills.
Selfie! (30 GP) --- Take a
photo of the 1970 Dodge Charger R/T.
Too Soon Junior (30 GP) ---
Use all your Nitrous in the first half of a race.
What do you drift for? (40 GP)
--- Acquire the Nissan GT-R.
Winning's Winning (40 GP) ---
Acquire the Jeep Wrangler.
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