Debug mode:
Select "Classics", then move Up or Down to any slot. Hold LS
or RS while pressing Right or Left to bring up a 12 digit alpha-numeric
display. This "code" represents the piece of music in that slot.
Here is a partial list of what they do, listed from left to right:
0 0-4 Determines name of piece (Imperial, Aspen , etc.)
0 0-F " "
0 0-F Determines "style" of play (smooth, syncopated, etc.)?
0 0-F " " ?
0 0-F " " ?
0 0-F " " ?
A A-X Melody seed
A A-X Key (A#, C, etc.)
A A-X Music Type (Fugue, Adagio, etc.)
A A-X ?
A A-L Instrument (Piano - Trumpet)
A A-G ?
Debug mode:
Select "Classics", then move Up or Down to any slot. Hold LS
or RS while pressing Right or Left to bring up a 12 digit alpha-numeric
display. This "code" represents the piece of music in that slot.
Here is a partial list of what they do, listed from left to right:
0 0-4 Determines name of piece (Imperial, Aspen , etc.)
0 0-F " "
0 0-F Determines "style" of play (smooth, syncopated, etc.)?
0 0-F " " ?
0 0-F " " ?
0 0-F " " ?
A A-X Melody seed
A A-X Key (A#, C, etc.)
A A-X Music Type (Fugue, Adagio, etc.)
A A-X ?
A A-L Instrument (Piano - Trumpet)
A A-G ?
Debug Mode:
Select Classics, then move up/down to any slot. Holding either shift while pressing right or
left brings up a 12 digit alpha-numeric display. This "code" represents the piece of
music in that slot and allows you to edit your saved piece.
Here's a partial list of what they do, listed from left to right.
0 0-4
Determines name of piece (Imperial, Aspen , etc.)
0 0-F
" "
0 0-F
Determines 'style' of play (smooth, syncopated, etc.)?
0 0-F
" " ?
0 0-F
" " ?
0 0-F
" " ?
Melody seed
Key (A#, C, etc.)
Music Type (Fugue, Adagio, etc.)
A A-X ?
Instrument (Piano - Trumpet)
A A-G ?
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