Tuesday, August 2, 2016

3DO Interactive Multiplayer Cheats - Captain Quazar

Disappearing wall:
Press P to pause game play. Then, press RS, LS, B(3), RS, LS, Up. All walls near Captain Quazar will disappear for a short amount of time.

Press P to pause game play. Then, press LS, RS, LS, RS, LS, B. Captain Quazar will shout to confirm correct code entry. Captain Quazar's health will increase to 99, ammunition to 50, rockets to 25, and grenades to 15.

Subliminal messages:
Carefully watch the briefing to Level 2. Green pictures of the mission objectives will be displayed. When the screen zooms in towards the elevator to the mine, static will appear. The following phrase will quickly flash in the static: "MUST  BUY  BATTLESPORT".

Audio messages:
Pause the game and allow the screen to dim. The chief will say various phrases (including singing a line from Swing Low Sweet Chariots) to the player while the game remains paused.


Disappearing wall:
Press P to pause game play. Then, press RS, LS, B(3), RS, LS, Up. All walls near Captain Quazar will disappear for a short amount of time.

Press P to pause game play. Then, press LS, RS, LS, RS, LS, B. Captain Quazar will shout to confirm correct code entry. Captain Quazar's health will increase to 99, ammunition to 50, rockets to 25, and grenades to 15.

Subliminal messages:
Carefully watch the briefing to Level 2. Green pictures of the mission objectives will be displayed. When the screen zooms in towards the elevator to the mine, static will appear. The following phrase will quickly flash in the static: "MUST BUY BATTLESPORT".

Audio messages:
Pause the game and allow the screen to dim. The chief will say various phrases (including singing a line from Swing Low Sweet Chariots) to the player while the game remains paused.


Disappearing walls
Press P to pause. Press RS, LS, B, B, B, RS, LS, Up All walls near Captain Quasar will disappear for a short amount of time.

Teleporter codes
Level 1
CCACBCBB - First spice refinery
CCABACBC - Second spice refinery
ABCBCCAB - Hidden rocket site
BACACABA - Money fort

Level 2
BBAABBAA - Salt mines
CCBCCACC - Diamonds and forcefield

Level 3


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