Saturday, August 6, 2016

Playstation Vita Cheats - God Eater 2

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Bewitching Butterfly (Silver Trophy) --- Defeat Yan-Zhi
Burst of Blood (Bronze Trophy) --- Prey on an Aragami
Chosen One (Silver Trophy) --- Pass the Compatibility Test
Dreadful Gladiator (Silver Trophy) --- Defeat Spartacus
Full-fledged Eater (Silver Trophy) --- Get SSS Rank in 10 Missions
GOD EATER (Platinum Trophy) --- Acquire all Trophies
Hand in Hand (Bronze Trophy) --- Link-Aid a fellow
Leave it to Me (Bronze Trophy) --- Get a Link-Burst from a fellow
Maiden Victory (Silver Trophy) --- Win a battle against Aragami
Master (Gold Trophy) --- Get SSS Rank in 50 Missions
Our Hollow Lady (Silver Trophy) --- Defeat Nyx-Alpha
Shaman of Frenzy (Silver Trophy) --- Defeat Kabbala-Kabbala
Sole Honed Skill (Gold Trophy) --- Go on a battle with a mastered Blood-Art
Stager (Silver Trophy) --- Get SSS Rank in 20 Missions
You have Control (Bronze Trophy) --- Link-Burst a fellow

Secret Trophies
To unlock the following Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Awaken (Silver Trophy) --- Arise in Power of Blood
Countdown (Silver Trophy) --- The Final Predation is about to be launched
Crossing Wills (Silver Trophy) --- Succeed in releasing the patients
Over the Griefs (Gold Trophy) --- Avenged Marduk, the killing of a dear fellow
Rememberance (Silver Trophy) --- May his spirit rest in peace
Rock the Cradle (Gold Trophy) --- That's one small step for man
Tree of the Helix (Gold Trophy) --- Set off on a never-ending battle, his power of will aside

Unleashed from Abyss (Gold Trophy) --- Defeat Magatsu-Kyuubi

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