Thursday, August 4, 2016

Xbox One Cheats - Hyperdrive Massacre

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
AAAAAaAaaAAAAAH! (20 GP) --- Perform 50 suicides.
Ace (20 GP) --- Score 50 points in Spong.
Addicted (20 GP) --- Play four hours of Hyperdrive Massacre.
Buy New Games Already (50 GP) --- Play 500 rounds.
Catas-Trophy (20 GP) --- Score 30 own goals in Soccer.
Counterstriker (50 GP) --- Perform 100 kills by deflecting a bullet.
Cross Eyed (20 GP) --- Play one hour of Hyperdrive Massacre.
Deepspace Gung Ho (20 GP) --- Realize 1,000,000 points in Deathmatch
Fair and Square (50 GP) --- Score 10,000,000 points in Deathmatch.
Full Throttle (20 GP) --- Score 2000 points in Death Race.
Futbolista (20 GP) --- Score 50 goals in Soccer.
Game Set and Match (50 GP) --- Score 500 points in Spong.
Hyperdrive Marathon (50 GP) --- Travel a cumulative 3000km.
Hypergladiator (30 GP) --- Play 50 rounds of Hyperdrive Massacre.
Hyperplayer (20 GP) --- Play 10 rounds of Hyperdrive Massacre.
Joga Bonito (20 GP) --- Score 100 goals in Soccer.
Mile High Club (20 GP) --- Travel a cumulative 500km.
Mirror Mirror (20 GP) --- Perform 20 kills by deflecting a bullet.
My Pals Come 'Round a Lot (40 GP) --- Play 100 rounds of Hyperdrive Massacre.
No Joy (20 GP) --- Perform 10 suicides.
Obsessed (50 GP) --- Play ten hours of Hyperdrive Massacre.
Selfless (20 GP) --- Score 5 own goals in Soccer.
Slam (20 GP) --- Score 100 points in Spong.
Speed Racer (20 GP) --- Score 500 points in Death Race
Square Eyes (20 GP) --- Play two hours of Hyperdrive Massacre.
Starting Small (10 GP) --- Play one round of Hyperdrive Massacre.
Suicidial Tendencies (20 GP) --- Perform 25 suicides.
The Beautiful Game (50 GP) --- Score 500 goals in Soccer.
We Can't Stop Here (50 GP) --- Score 8000 points in Death Race.
Whoops (20 GP) --- Perform 5 suicides.

Secret Achievements
Complete one of the following Secret achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Hyperdrive Massacre (50 GP) --- Score 50,000,000 points in Deathmatch.
In The Fable, The Tortoise Wins (20 GP) --- Every player keep an average speed below 78 km/h for the round.
Super Dynamic Killing Time (20 GP) --- Every player keep an average speed above 220km/h for the round.

Undying (50 GP) --- Win a match without being killed once.

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