Thursday, September 29, 2016

3DO Interactive Multiplayer Cheats - Road Rash

Walk around:
Brake until your speed is 0 MPH. Press LS + RS, Up. Your character will dismount from the motorcycle, and can explore the scenery.

Change volume during FMV and menus:
Press LS to decrease and RS to increase the volume of the music.

On the Peninsula track in level three or higher are two businessmen with odd shaped clown faces, large blue shoes, and peculiar objects in hand. They can be found at the 6.5 - 6.6 mile point walking back and forth on the road. If you punch or hit them, their pants will fall to their ankles, and they will be left wearing only red and white boxer shorts

Special cows are present on the Peninsula track on the other side of the right side guard rail near the clowns. If you punch or hit them, they will put up their hoofs to shield their eyes, while standing on two legs.

Dirt road:
Go right on the first fork in road of the Napa Valley track, located at the 1.9 mile point.

Floating tree:
Play the Pacific Highway track in level four or five to see the floating tree at the 8.7 mile point.


Cheat Codes:
During gameplay, type XYZZY to enable cheat mode
Actions: Results:
YES,OCCIFER --> kill cop
BRIBE --> kill cop
SPOON! --> nitro
THWACK! --> get chain
K'THUNK! --> get club
PLUGH --> disable cheat


Clowns and Cows
On the Pennisula track there are a couple business men with very odd shoes wielding peculiar objects. Be sure to try and kill one (punch or run over -- punching is the best, it's easier to see). Also -- on the other side of the guard rail on the right are some bashful cows for you to punch.


To dismount your bike and walk around, stop and hold Ls and Rs and press Up. It might take a couple tries.

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