Beneath a Starry Sky -
Achievement Guide
Wander around Coastal Highway or any area with a fishing hut. Have your best
clothing and items to make a fire, except for the wood itself. You will also
require food, water, and also fishing equipment. Go to the fishing hut and begin
to gather firewood. Place a fireplace directly in front of the fishing hut's
entrance and light it. Put in all the gathered firewood so the fire will burn
for at least eleven hours. If desired, sleep or try to get some fish out of the
hole. Get more firewood and add it to the fire when you have the time. You can
take out your sleeping bag and rest for twelve hours. Repeat the process until
"Beneath a Starry Sky" is earned.
Exploration Game -
Achievement Guide
Enter every structure with a
loading screen in Mystery Lake and Coastal Highway . This includes every vehicle and building except for
ruins, lookouts and fishing huts.
Happy Harvester -
Achievement Guide
Harvest 25 of the following
- Cattail plants (from rivers
and lakes)
- Reishi Mushrooms (from tree
- Old Man's Beard Lichen
(found hanging from trees)
- Rose Hips (small red berries
that grow on bushes)
Natural Healer -
Achievement Guide
Use the following plants to
craft the corresponding healing item. Note: You do not need to be injured to do
- Harvest the Cattail.
- Harvest the Old Man's Beard
Lichen, craft a bandage with it (3 Herbs and 1 Normal
Bandage), then use it through the "First Aid" menu.
- Harvest Rose Hips, make a
Tea with it in a fireplace (25 Rose Hips and 0.25L of water), then use it
through the "First Aid" menu.
- Harvest Reishi Mushrooms,
make a Tea with it in a fireplace (3 Mushrooms and 0.25L of water), then use it
through the "First Aid" menu.
Night Walker - Achievement
Find a location with a fishing
hut, such as around the Coastal Highway . Go there with your best clothing equipment and items
to make a fire, except for the wood itself. You will also need some food and
water. Once at the fishing hut, gather some firewood. Place a fireplace in
front of the fishing hut's entrance and started the fire. Place all the
firewood you have for it to last for about twelve hours. Take out your sleeping
bag and rest as long as possible. "Night Walker " will be earned the next morning.
Pacifist - Achievement
Remain alive and only eat food
that was looted. Try not to get attacked by a wolf; if you injure it, it may
die after running off.
Waste Not, Want Not -
Achievement Guide
Harvest ten complete deer
carcasses. To harvest a complete deer carcass, take all the remaining meat, all
its leather, and all the guts. Note: It will not matter if you hunted the deer
or find a frozen carcass. If it is cold outside, take the meat first, as the
leather and guts will remain longer.
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