Uncensored version:
Enter Up, Down, Right, Left, Down, Right, X during the introduction,
while the girl is talking.
Uncensored version:
Enter Up, Down, Right, Left, Down, Right, X during the introduction,
while the girl is talking.
Uncensored version
While the girl is talking in the beginning intro press up, down, right,
left, down, right, stop. It seems that sometimes it doesn't work if you hit A
to abort the video clip, but sometimes it does... Note: There is no
confirmation that you've entered the code, so good luck. I have verified it to
work! Although it doesn't make this shitty game any better... Enter the code a
few times to be sure you got it right the first time.
Optimal Path
When a choice is offered, select the following options to win the game
and get the girl.
1. He makes a first move!
2. He plans a vigorous assault
later on!
3. The hairball takes
advantage of the situation!!
4. Our heroine declines the
disgusting proposal!
5. John heroically dashes off
to save Jane!!
6. Jane rejects the power.
7. I want the Hollywood ending!!
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