Monday, September 19, 2016

Xbox One Cheats - Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
All Creatures Great and Small (100 GP) --- Rescue every captured friend.
Bear-Knuckle Boxing (50 GP) --- Defeat Ursa Major.
Belt It Out (50 GP) --- Defeat Orion.
Clearing the Air (50 GP) --- Finish a level after removing all fog of war.
Cooties (50 GP) --- Finish a level without crossing paths with your partner.
Couples Dance Lessons (10 GP) --- Pirouette 15 times in a single level.
Dressed to the Nines (50 GP) --- Fill up all gem slots in a fully upgraded ship.
Entrapment (20 GP) --- Kill 20 enemies with security guns in a single level.
Exposed (50 GP) --- Remove all of King Cepheus's shields.
Fight With Care, Bear (50 GP) --- Defeat Ursa Major without taking a punch.
First Date (10 GP) --- Beat any level in two player mode.
Gemologist (20 GP) --- Have 10 unused gems in your ship at one time.
Generosity (10 GP) --- Throw a gem into a station that is being used by another player.
Love Has Prevailed (50 GP) --- Defeat King Cepheus.
Love Is All You Need (50 GP) --- Play through a campaign without using any gems.
Missile Kiss (20 GP) --- Make two Power-Metal missiles collide.
Overprotective (20 GP) --- Have 20 cells at one time on the Metal-Beam shield.
Perfect Date (50 GP) --- Finish a level without taking damage.
Rocket Science (20 GP) --- Escape a white dwarf without shooting or ramming it.
Romantic Getaway (10 GP) --- Finish the tutorial.
Seat Warmer (10 GP) --- Use every station in a single level.
Space-man's Best Friend (10 GP) --- Beat any level with the help of your trusty space-pet.
SPF 1000 (50 GP) --- Deliver the final blow to Orion using a solar flare.
The Spice of Life (20 GP) --- Use three different types of Yamato weapons in a boss fight.
Token of Affection (50 GP) --- Earn one of each type of ship badge.
Underwater Expedition (50 GP) --- Defeat Cetus while its head is underwater.
Warm Embrace (20 GP) --- Survive after being fully enveloped by a bomb trap.

Wave Goodbye (50 GP) --- Defeat Cetus.

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