To unlock the following PS3
Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
1989 (Bronze) --- Kill 1989
60 To Car (Bronze) --- Go to
the car 60 times
Aced It (Silver) --- Get an A+
on any chapter
Always On Top (Silver) ---
Perform every ground kill in the game
Bat-man (Silver) --- Clear
Chapter 2 using Nigel the Bat
Combo Beginner (Bronze) ---
Perform a 4x combo
Combo Intermediate (Bronze)
--- Perform a 6x combo
Combo King (Gold) --- Perform
a 12x combo
Combo Master (Silver) ---
Perform a 10x combo
Combo Pro (Bronze) --- Perform
an 8x combo
Dog Lover (Bronze) --- Kill 99
Domino Effect (Bronze) ---
Throw a weapon at an enemy so that his weapon hits another
Get A Life (Gold) --- Get A+
on all the chapters
Guns For Show (Silver) --- Use
all guns at least once
I Got New Friends (Silver) ---
Unlock all weapons
Karma (Bronze) --- Die 1000
Knife for Pros (Bronze) ---
Use all melee weapons at least once
Let In Some Air (Bronze) ---
Destroy 200 glass panels
Nigel Lowrie (Bronze) --- Use
a human shield
Pitcher (Silver) --- Use all
throwing weapons at least once
Plain Luck (Silver) --- Hit
three or more enemies with the same weapon in one throw
Playing Pool (Bronze) --- Hit
an enemy with a weapon bounced against a wall
Sounds Of Animals Fighting
(Bronze) --- Wear all masks at least once
That's It? (Gold) --- Beat the
These Are My Guns (Silver) ---
Complete chapter five barehanded
Trophy Addict (Platinum) ---
Unlock All Trophies
Two Birds With One Stone
(Bronze) --- Hit two enemies with the same weapon in one throw
Zoo Keeper (Gold) --- Collect
all the masks
Secret Trophies
To unlock the following PS3 -
Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Cat Fight (Bronze) --- Kill
the panthers using Brandon the Panther
Eye For Details (Silver) ---
Collect all the puzzle pieces
Sewer Alligator (Bronze) ---
Find Jones the Crocodile
Smell Something Burning
(Bronze) --- Kill the crapping gangster with a fireaxe
The Boss (Bronze) --- Solve
the Puzzle
The End? (Silver) --- Beat the
main story
This Is It (Gold) --- Beat the
epilogue with secret ending
Alternate ending sequence
Find all hidden pieces and
solve the puzzle before completing the game.
In-Game Masks
Complete the indicated task to
unlock the corresponding mask.
- Rooster (Richard): Available
by default.
- Owl (Rasmus): Get a high
score in "Prelude (Metro)". This mask creates a shimmering purple
effect around puzzle pieces and reveals red marks on the ground.
- Tiger (Tony): Get a high
score in Chapter 1 "No Talk". This mask gives faster executions and
killing blows from fists.
- Pig (Aubrey): Get a high
score in Chapter 2 "Overdose". This masks makes non-key melee weapons
on the ground and in-hand to more likely be guns.
- Walrus (Earl): Found on a
dead body on the second floor of Chapter 2 "Overdose". This mask
allows you to survive two bullet hits.
- Horse (Don Juan): Get a high
score in "Decadence". This makes slamming doors into enemies lethal.
- Rabbit (Graham): Get a high
score in Chapter 4 "Tension". This mask allows faster walking speed.
- Crocodile (Jones): In
Chapter 5 "Full House", kill everyone in the building to make the
"Go to car" objective appear. Instead of going to the car, take the
crowbar near the entryway and run to the back of the building. Pry open the
manhole with the crowbar to find the mask next to a wounded man. This mask will
makes kills and executions bloodier.
- Wolf (Dennis): Get a high
score in Chapter 5 "Full House". This mask gives Jacket a knife at
the beginning of the chapter when equipped.
- Giraffe (George): Get high
score on Chapter 6 "Clean Hit". This mask allows you to look further.
- Dog (Ted): Get high score on
Chapter 7 "Neighbors". This mask prevents dogs from attacking.
However, dogs will still count as enemies and must be killed to complete some
- Grasshopper (Carl): In
Chapter 8 "Push It" search the dead body in the centermost room of
the ground floor. This mask gives Jacket a drill at the start of the chapter.
- Elephant (Rufus): Get a high
score in Chapter 8 "Push It". This mask allows you to survive one
bullet hit.
- Camel (Rami): Get a high
score in Chapter 9 "Crackdown". The mask will increases the magazine
capacity of weapons dropped by enemies by 33%.
- Cobra (Jake): In Chapter 10,
"Hot And Heavy", search the dead body in the top most room of the
northwest area. This mask gives Jacket Killing Throws.
- Monkey (Willem): Get a high
score in Chapter 10 "Hot And Heavy". This mask will kill an enemy
while you steal his weapon.
- Unicorn (Peter): Get a high
score in Chapter 11 "Deadline". This mask reduces the noise made from
- Frog (Zack): Get a high
score in Chapter 13 "Assault". This mask allows more time between
kills before the combo multiplier resets.
- Rat (Ritcher): Take the mask
in the final stage of Chapter 13 "Assault", from a counter in the
room furthest to the northeast. This mask gives Jacket a Silenced Uzi at the
start of the chapter.
- Mole (Oscar): Get a high
score in Chapter 14 "Vengeance". This mask makes your view have a
dark red pulsing filter.
- Octopus (Charlie): In
Chapter 16 search the counter in the kitchen area after killing all enemies.
This mask spawns melee weapons more frequently.
- Fox (Rick) : Get a high
score in Chapter 16 "Safehouse". This mask allows Jacket to have less
spread with shotguns and better accuracy with all guns and thrown weapons, and
better gun damage.
- Panther (Brandon ): Get a high score in Chapter 17 "Fun And
Games". This mask allows you to walk faster.
- Fish (Phil): In Chapter 19
"Resolution", find it in a box underground with a pile of other
masks. This mask translates the in-game dialogue to French.
- Chameleon (Louie): Complete
the game and view the normal ending. This mask makes it more difficult for
enemies to spot you.
- Bat (Nigel): Complete the
game and view the secret ending. This mask forces movement to the normal setup
instead of being inverted (if that option was used).
Playing Pool - Achievement
/ Trophy Guide
The brick spawns randomly in
weapon spawn locations after it is unlocked. It usually becomes available after
you unlock a hammer, when you reach 450,000 cumulative points. The Jake mask
(green cobra) is the best one to equip because it gives you killing throws. It
will bounce off objects and enemies, but brick must bounce off a wall and kill
an enemy.
Sewer Alligator -
Achievement / Trophy Guide
Complete Chapter 5 "Full
House", then get a crowbar and go to the entrance of the level. Do not go
in the car. Instead of that, walk around the house until you find a manhole
located at the southeast corner of the level. Enter the manhole to find the
mask next to a corpse in the sewers. Note: You may need to go to the sewers
twice. Upon the second completion, "Sewer Alligator" should be
Zoo Keeper - Achievement /
Trophy Guide
Complete the indicated task to
obtain the corresponding mask, in order of appearance.
- Richard (Rooster): Start the
- Rasmus (Owl): Complete
Prelude "The Metro" with a high score.
- Tony (Tiger): Complete
Chapter 1 "No Talk" with a high score.
- Earl (Walrus): Search the
corpse in the south green room on the second floor of Chapter 2
- Aubrey (Pig): Complete
Chapter 2 "Overdose" with a high score.
- Don Juan (Horse): Complete
Chapter 3 "Decadence" with a high score.
- Graham (Rabbit): Complete
Chapter 4 "Tension" with a high score.
- Jones (Alligator): Reach the
end of Chapter 5 "Full House", then get a crowbar and go to the
entrance of the level. Do not go in the car. Instead of that, walk around the
house until you find a manhole located at the southeast corner of the level.
Enter the manhole to find the mask next to a corpse in the sewers.
- Dennis (Wolf): Complete
Chapter 5 "Full House" with a high score.
- George (Giraffe): Complete
Chapter 6 "Clean Hit" with a high score.
- Ted (Dog): Complete Chapter
7 "Neighbors" with a high score.
- Carl (Grasshopper): In
Chapter 8 "Push It ", search the corpse on the ground level in the
center room.
- Rufus (Elephant): Complete
Chapter 8 "Push It" with a high score.
- Rami (Camel): Complete
Chapter 9 "Crackdown" with a high score.
- Jake (Cobra): Search the
corpse in the northwest section of Chapter 10 "Hot And Heavy".
- Willem (Monkey): Complete
Chapter 10 "Hot And Heavy" with a high score.
- Peter (Unicorn): Complete
Chapter 11 "Deadline" with a high score.
- Richter (Rat): In Chapter 13
"Assault ", search the uppermost room of the final level (where you
fight the barricaded Police Chief)
- Zack (Frog): Complete
Chapter 13 "Assault" with a high score.
- Oscar (Mole): Complete
Chapter 14 "Vengeance" with a high score.
- Charlie (Octopus): Found on
the counter in the kitchen area in the northwest of Chapter 16
"Safehouse". You must first clear the level and to talk to the owner
before it can be obtained.
- Rick (Fox): Complete Chapter
16 "Safehouse" with a high score.
- Brandon (Panther): Complete Chapter 17 "Fun And
Games" with a high score.
- Phil (Fish): Talk to the
janitors in Chapter 19 "Resolution" then search for a box in the
- Louie (Chameleon): Complete
the game with the normal ending
- Nigel (Bat): Complete the
game with the alternate ending.
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