Saturday, August 6, 2016

Xbox One Cheats - The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Butcher (30 GP) --- Kill 500 enemies.
Chicken Runner (20 GP) --- Kill a chicken with a sword!
Coil Collector (20 GP) --- Complete the Start the Generator quest.
Escort Master (30 GP) --- Escort the Traveling Merchant to the Romany Camp with him taking no damage.
Expert Treasure Hunter (30 GP) --- Loot 200 chests.
Explorer (60 GP) --- Visit all locations.
Explosives expert (60 GP) --- Finsh the Slavage Mission quest without setting of any explosives.
Hero of the Day (30 GP) --- Solve every side-quest in Markovna.
Hijacker (20 GP) --- Complete the orichalcum shipment quest.
I'm so Hardcore! (100 GP) --- Finish the game with a Hardcore character!
Ink Master (30 GP) --- Visit 7 Ink locations.
Ink Walker (20 GP) --- Visit an Ink locations.
Journeyman Treasure Hunter (20 GP) --- Loot 100 chests.
Junky (30 GP) --- Swim through 20 Garbage Containers.
Let loose the ghost of war (30 GP) --- Let Lady Katarina kill a Boss.
Manservant (20 GP) --- Gain entrance to the village of Markovna with the help of Lady Katarina.
Misfit (10 GP) --- Kill 50 enemies.
Monster's Bane (60 GP) --- Kill 5000 enemies.
Novice Treasure Hunter (10 GP) --- Loot 50 chests.
Riddle me Wisp (100 GP) --- Answer all the Riddle Wisps correctly (so you don't have to fight them).
Smuggler (20 GP) --- Complete The weapon shipment quest.
Spotless Defense (30 GP) --- Defend the Lair without a single enemy getting in.
Tourist (30 GP) --- Visit 3 different locations.
Unfulmigator (60 GP) --- Eliminate Fulmigati's doomsday machine.
Viva la Resistance! (30 GP) --- Solve every side-quest in the Helsing lair.

What's in the bag? (100 GP) --- Take 20 pieces of loot from the Domovoy on the Gorgon Pass.

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