Character Codes
At the Pause menu, select
"Extras" and then select "Enter Code" and enter one of the
following codes:
Code: --- Result:
FAVZTR --- Unlock Alfrid
84ZZSI --- Unlock Azog
W5Z6AC --- Unlock Bain
UER3JG --- Unlock Bard
XTVM8C --- Unlock Barliman
555R9C --- Unlock Barrow Wight
KEID2V --- Unlock Beorn
ZIBYHO --- Unlock Bolg
MXUXKO --- Unlock Braga
H2CAID --- Unlock Elros
THAVRM --- Unlock Fimbul
00TE7J --- Unlock Galadriel
3CE37P --- Unlock Gollum
TPD7YW --- Unlock Grinnah
V4Y5HZ --- Unlock Lindir
9NOK 35 --- Unlock Master of Laketown
4FYKKB --- Unlock Narzug
NM3I2O --- Unlock Necromancer
74KN31 --- Unlock Percy
5OJEUC --- Unlock Peter
TB4S6J --- Unlock Rosie Cotton
OARA3D --- Unlock Sauron
SYKSXF --- Unlock Thror
4Y95TJ --- Unlock Tom Bombadil
V8AHMJ --- Unlock Witchking
S6VV33 --- Unlock Yazneg
Complete one of the following
achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
... And be stone to you! (25
GP) --- Completed "Roast Mutton"
A city turned to ash (25 GP)
--- Completed "Greatest Kingdom in Middle-earth"
Attercop! Attercop! (25 GP)
--- Completed "Flies and Spiders"
Beorn Again (25 GP) ---
Transformed to Beorn's bear form.
Bro's before Gold (25 GP) ---
Used 50 Buddy-Up attacks
Conjurer of Cheap Tricks (25
GP) --- Used Gandalf's startle ability to dazzle 50 enemies
Dawn of the Mushroom King (25
GP) --- Equipped Thorin with the Mithril Mushroom Crown
Doilies and your mother's
dishes (20 GP) --- Collected all Treasure Items in levels
Escaped the dungeons of the
King (25 GP) --- Completed "Barrels Out of Bond"
Ever "The People's
Champion" (20 GP) --- Completed all the quests in Middle-earth
Hardly burglar material (20
GP) --- Collected 99 of any loot
He is summoning his servants
(25 GP) --- Completed "Looking for Proof"
I believe the worst is behind
us (25 GP) --- Completed "Out of the Frying Pan..."
In a hole in the ground... (25
GP) --- Completed "An Unexpected Party"
It's undoubtedly a trap (25
GP) --- Completed "The Necromancer"
Labouring in the villages of
Men (25 GP) --- Collected all Schematics
Lord of the Prance (20 GP) ---
Equipped yourself with Dazzle Wig, Mithril Rhythm Stick and Mithril Dance
Master Builder (25 GP) ---
Obtained 150,000 studs from Instruction Builds bonuses
More of a letter-opener,
really! (25 GP) --- Completed "The Troll Hoard"
More than a thunderstorm! (25
GP) --- Completed "Over Hill and Under Hill"
Objects of great beauty (25
GP) --- Forged all the Mithril Treasure Items
Our Long Forgotten Gold (25
GP) --- Collected all Minikits
Quite a merry gathering (25
GP) --- Collected all characters
Slunk back from whence he came
(25 GP) --- Completed "Azog the Defiler"
Someone to share in an
adventure (20 GP) --- Played a level in co-op
Stone Giant Stomp (25 GP) ---
Completed the Bonus Level
Team Building (30 GP) --- Used
every combination of Dwarves for Buddy-Up attacks
That'll do it... (25 GP) ---
Completed "Goblin Town "
That's why we need a burglar!
(30 GP) --- Obtained all Master Burglar titles
The greed of Dwarves (25 GP)
--- Collected all Mithril Bricks
The Mountain-king's return (25
GP) --- Completed "A Warm Welcome"
The Unassessably Wealthy (50
GP) --- Collected 10,000,000,000 studs
Think furnace, with wings (25
GP) --- Completed "Inside Information"
Time to earn your reward (25
GP) --- Completed "On the Doorstep"
To Be Continued... (40 GP) ---
Achieved 100% completion
Unequalled skill of the
Dwarves (25 GP) --- Forged all the Perfect Mithril Treasure Items
Wealth lies in the Earth (25
GP) --- Completed the mining game perfectly 50 times
What do you need? (25 GP) ---
Completed "Queer Lodgings"
Who is this horrid creature?
(25 GP) --- Created a custom character.
Who is this horrid
creature? achievement or trophy guide
Shape a horse or a warg. This
can be done in Beorn's house after completing the "Queer Lodgings"
chapter. Inside is a barn. Select an animal and change its color.
Unequalled skill of the
Dwarves - Achievement / Trophy Guide
Mithril Treasure Items can be
crafted at the Blacksmith in Bree. When forging any item there, two rings will
appear, one inside the other. There will be with letters or controller buttons
floating toward the center which you must press as they enter the rings. In
order to make a Perfect Mithril Treasure Item, you must push each button or key
as it floats over or within the inner ring. Do not worry if you make a mistake.
Once you create a Mithril Treasure item, it will remain unlocked and can be
reforged for free.
Play "The Battle of
Azanulbizar", which is the second part of "Azog the Defiler", in
Free Play mode. Progress until a troll drags in the second tower. Defeat the
troll, however do not break the broken section on the tower. An endless amount
of enemies will spawn, allowing lots of time to use every dwarf in a Buddy-Up
attack. Note: The easiest way to complete this is to use a static player as
player two while rotating the dwarves as player one. Consider setting regular
Thorin as player two, since his name is last in alphabetical order. Then rotate
in Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Dwalin, Fili, Kili, Gloin, Nori, Oin, and Ori
(all regular/current age) as player one. Each dwarf is conveniently next to
each other at the "Character Select" menu. End by using Thorin
(Lake-town) with the regular Thorin to complete the task. Note: Make sure you
get a complete kill with each combo before moving onto the next character. It
also helps having the Invincibility red brick active, to avoid getting killed
while rotating characters.
Conjurer of Cheap Tricks -
Achievement / Trophy Guide
Play "The Battle of
Azanulbizar", which is the second part of "Azog the Defiler", in
Free Play mode. Progress until a troll drags in the second tower. Defeat the
troll, however do not break the broken section on the tower. An endless amount
of enemies will spawn, allowing lots of time to get the required number of
dazzled enemies. To use the Dazzle ability, hold down the appropriate button or
key until the meter is full, then release. Repeat the process as many times as
needed. It also helps having the Invincibility red brick active, to avoid
getting killed during the process.
Bro's before Gold -
Achievement / Trophy Guide
Play "The Battle of
Azanulbizar", which is the second part of "Azog the Defiler", in
Free Play mode. Progress until a troll drags in the second tower. Defeat the
troll, however do not break the broken section on the tower. An endless amount
of enemies will spawn, allowing time to get the required number of Buddy-Up attacks.
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