Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Xbox One Cheats - Fantasia: Music Evolved

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
All Mixed Up (15 GP) --- Played an entire song with audio components from all 3 mixes present at all times.
Broom Mate (10 GP) --- Brought the celebrated broom to life in The Workshop.
Careful Composer (5 GP) --- Spent 120 seconds working on a recording in a Composition Spell.
Chromatic Variations (40 GP) --- Discovered all 5 Composition Spells in realms.
Circuit Bender (10 GP) --- Kept all 4 rows of The Motherboard lit in The Plant for 10 seconds.
City Slicker (30 GP) --- Used the Composition Spell in The Neighborhood.
Creative Spark (10 GP) --- Put on an electrifying performance with all of the jellyfish in The Shadows.
Creature Comfort (10 GP) --- Showed 7 different movie clips to the lonely astronaut in The Capsule.
Dark Side of the Moons (10 GP) --- Spun all 3 of the moons in The Cosmos.
Dueling Duet (5 GP) --- Completed a song in Multiplayer mode.
Edged Out (5 GP) --- Refrained from opening a Composition Spell by missing a single side.
Equal Opportunity Employer (10 GP) --- Had a workforce that included Fix-Bots of both sizes and all 3 colors in The Press.
Fairy Weather Friend (10 GP) --- Led the fairies to 4 different secret spots in The Hollow.
Falling Starfish (10 GP) --- Juggled starfish for 30 seconds in The Shadows.
Feeling Crabby (10 GP) --- Coaxed a shy performer out of his shell in The Shoal.
Flame War (10 GP) --- Deflected the dragon's fire 50 times in The Nation.
Goal Oriented (50 GP) --- Completed every available goal for 15 songs.
Goal Star (100 GP) --- Completed every available goal for all on-disc songs.
Haberdashing (50 GP) --- Earned the right to wear "The Hat."
Hidden Talent (10 GP) --- Found Mischief, the sneaky yeti, in all of his hiding spots in The Haven.
In the Mix (25 GP) --- Revealed every available mix for 15 songs.
In Too Deep (30 GP) --- Used the Composition Spell in The Shadows.
Journalist (20 GP) --- Collected all of the journal pages.
Librarian (5 GP) --- Played a song in the Song Library.
Locomotion Picture (10 GP) --- Stamped graffiti onto the train in The Neighborhood.
Magic Touch (70 GP) --- Discovered all of the Magic Fragments in the realms.
Mix Master (50 GP) --- Revealed every available mix for all 33 on-disc songs.
Multi-instrumentalist (10 GP) --- Made music with 7 different instruments in a single visit to The Workshop.
Multifaceted (15 GP) --- Hit every cue on 40 different Composition Spells in songs.
Musica Universalis (30 GP) --- Used the Composition Spell in The Cosmos.
Musical Score (5 GP) --- Completed a Score Goal and revealed a remix.
Nine Lives (10 GP) --- Played 9 different musical variations with the kittens in The Haven.
Noteworthy (50 GP) --- Earned Five Golden Notes on 5 songs in Single Player mode.
Off the Record (5 GP) --- Viewed a recording of a saved performance.
Page Turner (5 GP) --- Viewed a journal page while exploring a realm.
Paper Menagerie (10 GP) --- Played a continuous 25-note melody using all 3 types of paper creatures in The Plant.
Perfect Harmony (10 GP) --- Earned Five Golden Notes as a team on a song in Multiplayer mode.
Purist (5 GP) --- Played 3 songs with all mixes available, but only used a single mix.
Record Collector (30 GP) --- Created a recording in every Hot Spot in the realms.
Recording Artist (5 GP) --- Recorded your own unique music in a Hot Spot for the first time.
Room and Board (10 GP) --- Found new homes for the elephant and the fish in The Neighborhood.
Safe Haven (30 GP) --- Used the Composition Spell in The Haven.
School Reunion (50 GP) --- Reunited the Master Sorcerer with his former apprentice.
Seed Planted (30 GP) --- Used the Composition Spell in The Plant.
Spelling It Out (10 GP) --- Discovered your first Composition Spell in a realm.
Steaks on a Train (10 GP) --- Created a recording with both of the "food groups" in a single visit to The Neighborhood.
Switch Hitter (25 GP) --- Switched to a new mix 150 times.
Take Five (10 GP) --- Created recordings with all 5 Composition Spells in Multiplayer mode.
The New Apprentice (5 GP) --- Started your apprenticeship with some help from your humble guide, Percy.

Virtuoso (10 GP) --- Earned Five Golden Notes on a song in Single Player mode.

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