Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Playstation 4 Cheats - Sniper Elite 3

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
...And stay dead! (Silver Trophy) --- Kill the target in 7 different ways.
A shot in the dark (Silver Trophy) --- Complete all the long shots
Advantage: Sniper (Bronze Trophy) --- Get 30 kills from sniper nests
An ode to Rube Goldberg (Bronze Trophy) --- Get 20 chain reaction explosive kills
Archivist (Silver Trophy) --- Find all the war diaries
Casual Reader (Bronze Trophy) --- Find 50% of the war diaries
Competitive streak (Bronze Trophy) --- Play 10 competitive multiplayer matches
Conserving oxygen (Bronze Trophy) --- Hold your breath for an hour
Convenience is key (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill the target by shooting nearby explosive barrels.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Ratte (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete Mission 6
Dedicated soldier (Gold Trophy) --- Complete 100% of the campaign on any difficulty
Definitely no "90-day wonder" (Bronze Trophy) --- Attain a rank of Sergeant (level 11)
Demolition Man (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete Mission 7
Double tap (Bronze Trophy) --- Incapacitate 2 vehicles in Kasserine Pass within 5 seconds (Mission 6)
Double the distance (Bronze Trophy) --- Snipe enemies over a cumulative distance of a double marathon
End of the 'lein' (Bronze Trophy) --- Find and kill the visiting General (Mission 3)
Fast-moving target (Bronze Trophy) --- Shoot the target in his car.
Ghost of Tobruk (Bronze Trophy) --- Clear the mountain pass without alerting the enemy (Mission 1)
Grenadier (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill the target with a grenade.
Hard as nails (Silver Trophy) --- Complete the game on Sniper Elite difficulty
Hidden and dangerous (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete a campaign mission without being seen (excluding Tobruk)
Highly decorated (Bronze Trophy) --- Earn 1 of every ribbon in competitive multiplayer
I Fort this would be difficult (Bronze Trophy) --- Get to the informant without being spotted (Mission 4)
I Siwa you did there (Bronze Trophy) --- Make the target officer's death look like an accident (Mission 5)
In the middle (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill the target with a chain reaction.
In the nick of time (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete Mission 5
Indestructible (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete a mission after losing over 500 units of health
Long way down (Bronze Trophy) --- Throw an enemy off one of the bridges (Mission 8)
Make it go boom (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill 20 enemies by shooting explosives
Nesting instinct (Silver Trophy) --- Find all the Sniper nests
No escape (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill the target in the vehicle by shooting its weakspot.
No refuge (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete Mission 4
Nothing is optional (Silver Trophy) --- Complete all the optional objectives
Officer material (Silver Trophy) --- Attain a rank of Second Lieutenant (level 31)
Oscar Mike (Bronze Trophy) --- Relocate 100 times
Pest Control Specialist (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete Mission 8
Platinum Trophy (Platinum Trophy) --- Win all other trophies to take your place as the world's greatest sniper
Prepared for any eventuality (Bronze Trophy) --- Create and save 4 loadouts
Regular soldier (Silver Trophy) --- Complete the game on Marksman difficulty
Saved by the bell (Bronze Trophy) --- Crush the target with a bell.
Sniping with friends (Silver Trophy) --- Complete the campaign in co-op
Sweating bullets (Bronze Trophy) --- Shoot and kill the target.
Tactical distractor (Bronze Trophy) --- Distract 20 enemies with flint or rocks
Tagged (Bronze Trophy) --- Tag 100 enemies or vehicles
The Everyman (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete all the challenge missions
The gathering (Silver Trophy) --- Find all the collectible cards
The Gazala Gallop (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete Mission 1
These are a few of my favourite things (Bronze Trophy) --- Get a kill with each offensive item
This is my rifle... (Bronze Trophy) --- Customize 1 rifle
Threat assessment (Silver Trophy) --- Observe the target and correctly choose to leave or kill.
Three birds, one stone (Bronze Trophy) --- Destroy all 3 bomb dumps at the same time (Mission 7)
Through the fire... (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete Mission 3
Through the looking glass (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill 10 snipers before they see you
Time to reload (Silver Trophy) --- Complete the game on Cadet difficulty
True sniper (Gold Trophy) --- Complete the game on Authentic difficulty
Wait for it (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill 10 enemies with flint-triggered detonations
Well, well, well (Bronze Trophy) --- Hide a body in each of the wells in Gaberoun (Mission 2)
Wonderwall (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete Mission 2
You'll try anything once (Bronze Trophy) --- Play 1 mission in each mode (campaign, challenges, competitive multiplayer)

Secret Trophies
To unlock the following Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Herr Charles (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill the officer at the meeting with a testicle shot.

Complete this job to unlock the matching ribbon in competitive multiplayer mode. Note: It unlocks the "Highly decorated" achievement or trophy if you have them all.
- Kill 5 enemies while intending down the sights of a rifle.
- kill 3 enemies with traps.
- Get 3 testicle shots.
- Kill an enemy by shooting TNT or a mine.
- Kill 3 enemies over 150 away while scoped.
- Get the match-winning shot.
- Kill 5 enemies with a semi-automatic sniper rifle.
- Get 3 tag helps.
- Kill 5 enemies without passing away.
- Kill 3 enemies with grenades.
- Kill a sprinting target while scoped.
- Kill 7 enemies with an SMG or a Handgun.
- Complete a match without passing away.
- Kill 5 enemies while in vacant lung.
- Have the lengthiest shot in a match.
- Get 5 headshots.
- Kill 5 enemies with a bolt-action sniper rifle.
- Perform 3 successive Kill Streaks without passing away.

DLC Trophies - Save Churchill
To unlock the following Save Churchill DLC Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Blood and thunder (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill the teufelsfeuer soldiers in the coliseum
Dry bone valley (Silver Trophy) --- Complete 'Confrontation'
Feast your eyes (Bronze Trophy) --- Spot and destroy 4 enemy traps without triggering them.
Living in the shadows (Bronze Trophy) --- Get to the command tent unseen and without killing anyone
Meltdown (Silver Trophy) --- Complete 'Belly of the Beast'
Nothing to lose (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the mission without using any healing items
Shoot to thrill (Bronze Trophy) --- Beat Raubvogel's score on the shooting range
Surprise surprise (Silver Trophy) --- Complete 'In Shadows'
T.N.T. (Bronze Trophy) --- Destroy all the teufelsfeuer shipments in the truck depot
The Hunter (Bronze Trophy) --- Eliminate a sniper with a stealth takedown

Secret DLC Trophies - Hunt the Grey Wolf
To unlock the following Secret Hunt the Grey Wolf DLC Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Herr Charles (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill the officer at the meeting with a testicle shot.

DLC Trophies - Hunt the Grey Wolf
To unlock the following Hunt the Grey Wolf DLC Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
...And stay dead! (Silver Trophy) --- Kill the target in 7 different ways.
Convenience is key (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill the target by shooting nearby explosive barrels.
Fast-moving target (Bronze Trophy) --- Shoot the target in his car.
Grenadier (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill the target with a grenade.
In the middle (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill the target with a chain reaction.
No escape (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill the target in the vehicle by shooting its weakspot.
Saved by the bell (Bronze Trophy) --- Crush the target with a bell.
Sweating bullets (Bronze Trophy) --- Shoot and kill the target.

Threat assessment (Silver Trophy) --- Observe the target and correctly choose to leave or kill.

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