Thursday, March 23, 2017

Xbox One Cheats - Velocity 2X

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Background Reading (10 GP) --- Look in every folder in Flight Computer
Basic Training (10 GP) --- Boost all the way through level 3
Bonus Onus (20 GP) --- Unlock all bonus levels (25)
Cautious Kai (5 GP) --- Avoid every speed pad in level CU02
China Shop (10 GP) --- Shoot 5,000 pieces of glass
Credit Crunch (10 GP) --- Get 100,000 points in the credits minigame
Cruise Controlled (10 GP) --- Race through Level DC02 without letting go of boost!
Crystal Keiser (10 GP) --- Obtain max crystals in 10 different Daily Sprints
Data Miner (10 GP) --- Collect all data packs
Double Dash (10 GP) --- Teledash through two Vokh at the same time
Double or Nothing (50 GP) --- Use double the firepower!
Double Whammy 2X (10 GP) --- Disable two switches within 0.5 seconds of each other
Easy Tiger (10 GP) --- Fly over your first speed pad
Exterminator (20 GP) --- Destroy 50 Vokh Guards
FuturLab Certified (70 GP) --- Gain 50 PERFECT medals
Gotta Kill 'Em All! (10 GP) --- Kill every type of enemy (doesn't include boss battles)
Heavy Boots (10 GP) --- Complete a level without letting go of boost
High Flier (10 GP) --- Gain your first PERFECT medal
Hoarder Next Door (10 GP) --- Collect 5,000 crystals
Hot Heels (10 GP) --- Boost and sprint all the way through level CU02
Intermediate (50 GP) --- Earn Gold medals on all Critical Urgency levels
Ketchup! (10 GP) --- Get squished at the bottom of the screen
Killa Thrilla (20 GP) --- Destroy 2500 airborne enemies
Left Behind (5 GP) --- Die by leaving one ship behind
Lucky Find (10 GP) --- Unlock a bonus level
Mind Over Matter (100 GP) --- Complete level 50
Mind The Gap (10 GP) --- Dock your ship for the first time
Miss Average (20 GP) --- Gain above average XP in half the levels
Not bad, keep going... (15 GP) --- Complete all speed levels
Now You Know (70 GP) --- Get a PERFECT medal on all Critical Urgency levels
Power Extreme (10 GP) --- Unlock all abilities
Qirex R.I.P. (20 GP) --- Hit every speed pad in Level 25
Quadruple Whammy 2X (5 GP) --- Destroy 16 turrets in 2 seconds in Level DC08
Quarp Zen (20 GP) --- Complete all Dual Core Levels
Ralan's Mission (70 GP) --- Complete all bonus levels
Rampager (20 GP) --- Shoot 10,000 pieces of glass
Romancing The Throne (20 GP) --- Collect 10,000 crystals
Saviour (10 GP) --- Rescue 6,000 Jintinda
Snooze You Lose (10 GP) --- Get stuck in a door
Sonic Spin (10 GP) --- Trigger a speed pad 4 times in under a second in level CU05
Tele-Damage (10 GP) --- Defeat a Vokh
The Immaculate Perfection (20 GP) --- Perfect all Speed Runs
The Long Haul (50 GP) --- Play 30 different Daily Sprints
Thumb Kinda Hero (25 GP) --- Perfect all speed levels
Thumb Together (25 GP) --- Perfect all Dual Core Levels
Tough Stuff (10 GP) --- Survive the first encounter with General Glaive
Triple Whammy 2X (10 GP) --- Disable three switches within 1 second
Turret Takedown (5 GP) --- Destroy 6 turrets in level CU04 in under one second
Welcome to the party! (5 GP) --- Partake in your first Daily Sprint Challenge

Wheat From Chaff (20 GP) --- Gain 25 PERFECT medals

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