Monday, October 24, 2016

3DO Interactive Multiplayer Cheats - Star Control 2

Alien Home Worlds
Perhaps the most useful item in the walkthru is below.  This is a list of each alien homeworld, minus the Kzer-Za or the Kohr-Ah.

Arilou                  QuasiSpace (see map)    Spathi      Epsilon Gruis Ia
Chenjesu & Mmrnmhrm     Procyon II              Supox       Beta Librae I
Druuge Trading World    Zeta Persei I           Syreen      Betelgeuse I
Ilwrath Alpha Tauri I   Thraddash               Delta       Draconis I
Mycon                   Epsilon Scorpii I       Umgah       Beta Orionis I
Orz                     Vulpeculae system       Utwig       Beta Aquarii I
Pkunk                   Gamma Kreugar I         VUX         Beta Luyten I
Shofixti Female         Delta Gorno system      Yehat       Gamma Serpantis I
Slylandro               Beta Corvi IV           Zoq-Foz-Pik Alpha Tucanae I

A note about the Melnorme:  They are located where ever there is a supergiant star.  So somewhere in that system they will be around.  Of course if you have either caster, then you can call them.  We liked to use the Melnorme as "in-flight" refueling.

A note about the Ur-Quan:  This is the collective title for both the Kohr-Ah and the Kzer-Za.  The Kohr-Ah are the black ships that want to kill everyone in this part of the galaxy.  The Kzer-Za just want to enslave everyone.  They are the green ships.

Star Control II Mini Walkthru
When you start, you go into the Solar System (Sol).
   o    Go to Mercury or Jupiter-B to get some Radioactive elements.
   o    Go to Pluto to greet a Spathi ship.  Get him to join if you wish.
   o    Go to Earth and get yourself some fuel.
   o    Go to Epsilon Gruis (241;368) {Spathiwa} and convince the Spathi to join you.
   o    Wait until they encase themselves in a red shield.  Go do something else.
   o    Go to Spathiwa and get the Umgha Castor
   o    Go to Beta Copernicous I (600.8;263.1) {Mycon} and get the egg case.
   o    Talk with the Mycon and get them to talk about the Deep Children. You might have to go to Epsilon Scorpii (629.1;220.8).
   o    Go to Beetleguese (412;377) {Syreen} and talk until they tell you to go get their Penetrator Ships behind a door.
   o    Go to Epselon Camelopardalis I-A (593.7;393.7) {Ur-Quan} and investigate the door.  They will tell you to go to Beetleguese.
   o    Go to Beetleguese until Talana tells you to go to Mycons and tell them about Organon.
   o    While the Mycons are away, go to Beta Brahe (639.5;231.2) and get the Sun Device.
   o    Go to Gama Krueger I (52;52) {Pkunk} to get the Clear Spindle.
   o    Go to the area of Delta Draconis (253.5;835.8) {Thraddash} and convince them to goin you: ie. keep on attacking, but not let them go attack the Kohr-Ah.
   o    Go to Zeta Draconis I (277.6;867.3) and get the Aqua Helix
   o    Go to Zeta Persei I (946.9;280.6) {Druuge} and trade the Rosy Red Sphere with the Mycon egg case.
   o    Go to the area of Beta Librae {Supox} and get the broken Ultron. Use the Clear Spindle, Aqua Helix, and Rosy Red Sphere to fix the Ultron.
   o    Go to the area of Beta Aquarii I (863.0;869.3) {Utwig} to give them the Ultron.
   o    All this section was so you can get the Bomb at Zeta Hyades VI-B (85 0.0;937.2).
   o    Go to Ilwrath Homeworld Alpha Tauri (229;366.6). Use the Umgha Castor.  Make the Ilwrath go attack to Thraddash.
   o    Go to Eta Vulpeculae II (358.7;256.6) {Orz} to get and alliance.
   o    Go to Delta Vulpeculae II-C to get the Taalo Device.
   o    Go to Alpha Pavonis VII (56.2;800) and investigate the Ur-Quan crash site.
   o    Go to the Quasi-Portal (36.8;633.2) and wait for the Quasi-Space Portal (Bright starlike object on Starmap, green hole on Hyperspace screen.) [Comes around the 17th of each month for sure, could come at other times (I was there on the 20th once)]
   o    Go to the outer star and meet the Ariloulaleelay.  Get the Portal Spawner.  Talk about the Talking Pet.
   o    Go to Beta Orionis (197.8;596.8) {Umgha} and get the Talking Pet. Go again to get your reward.
   o    When you are ready to finish the game, go to Procyon II and use the Sun Device.  You free The Chmmr and they tell you what you need to finish the game.  They also give you unlimited RU (resource units). I guess the designers wanted you get unlimited money right before you finished so you can't really use it.
   o    You are transported back to Earth.  Buy lots of good ships and prepare for the final battle against the Sa-Matra.
   o    Go to Delta Craterius V (620.0;593.5), the one with lots of ships surrounding it.  When you get in, you will see the Ur-Quan battle platform - the Sa-Matra.  Before you confront the Sa-Matra, use the Talking Pet.
   o    Attack the Sa-Matra.  [You might want to save so you can play this part again and again.]

Throught the game, you will need to do the following:
   o    Get money!!! you can't buy the fuel unless you have money. Get money by blowing up ships or mining minerals and bringing them back to Earth.
   o    Prevent the Pkunk from going to the Yehat. The Yehat will destroy them. You can tell they are moving by their Circle of Influence slowly moving right on the Starmap.
   o    Save the Zoq-Fot-Pik [homeworld Alpha Tucanae (400;543.7)] from the Ur-Quan and Kohr-Ah forces.
   o    Find the Melnorme and trade with them. You can get biological data by killing life on planets and moons. I have found all ten of the Rainbow Planets; they appear brownish in the star system screen.
                Beta Pegasei I (39.5;745.8)
                 Epsilon Draconis I (283.6;785.7)
                  Epsilon Lipi I (543.7;827.0)
                   Beta Leporis I (766.6;866.6)
                    Gamma Aquarii I (853.4;879.7)
                     Groombridge I (996.0;904.2)
                    Alpha Andromedae I (862.5;700.0)
                   Gama Reticuli I (741.6;508.3)
                  Gamma Kepler I (602.0;297.9)
                 Zeta Sextantis I (468.1;91.6)

Complete Walkthru
Tasks in UPPER CASE are essential to complete; the ones in lower case will add more enjoyment to your game.

Crystal Spindle
The Pkunk have this item and will give it to you willingly if you visit their homeworld.

Aqua Helix
The Thraddash have this item.  You need to gain the trust of the Thraddash before you go to get the item which is on Zeta Draconis I.  You gain the respect of the Thraddash by killing several of them (try about 20) and then visiting the homeworld. Don't go to the Homeworld first, as the kills you make there will not count for anything.  After you steal the Aqua-Helix, the Thraddash will be mad about this.  BUG OUT OF THE SYSTEM...It saves a lot of time and trouble.

Rosy Sphere
The Druuge have this item on their trade planet.  Unfortunately, the Druuge only trade in slaves.  The price for the Rosy Sphere is 100 crew members, so be sure to have more than that on hand in the other ships you carry. Hans Lie ( told us that you can also trade a Mycon Egg Case to the Druuge for the Rosy Sphere.  (There is an extra one on Gamma Brahe I).

The Supox have the Ultron on Beta Librae.  Put all of the other parts into the Ultron by 'use'ing them from the Device Manifest.  Take the Ultron to the Utwig on their homeworld.  They will provide you with the bomb to destroy the Sa-Matra.  The bomb is on Zeta Hyades VI (2nd moon).  When you arrive there will be 5 Druuge ships.  They should be relatively easily to kill if you have the Hellbore cannons and the ATS systems.
(The best way to kill Druuge ships is with the Earthling Cruiser.  As long as you are able to keep your distance (not too difficult, since the Druuge Mauler also has pretty poor acceleration), you should be able to take it out with a few nukes.)
If you do this in a timely manner, the Utwig and the Supox will attack the Kohr-Ah, providing you with additional time to defeat the Ur-Quan. (Between 9-12 months.)

Prove that the Mycons destroyed Syra by going to the former Syreen homeworld at Beta Copernicus I and getting an "egg husk" of the Mycon Deep Child. Get the Syreen ships out of the vault at Epsilon Camelopardalis Ia. Travel to the Mycon homeworld and tell them of the new planet to take the Deep Child.  Travel to Beta Brahe I when the bulk of the Mycon fleet is gone. You will still have to fight 5 Mycon ships though.  Obtain the Sun Device from the planet surface.  To tell the Syreen about Syra you must do one of two things: a) buy the information from the Melnorme, or b) you can visit a shattered world and ask the Mycon why shattered worlds are only in their system.  (Gamma Brahe has a shattered world -- for example)

Spathi Tasks:
Clear the Spathi homeworld of the biological life forms that feed on the Spathi. Tell them about your deed by traveling to the moon of the homeworld. Force them to send their ships to Earth.  Eventually they will construct thier own slave shield, but on the moon they leave behind the Umgah Mind Caster.  Be sure to pick that up.  Use the Caster for three things.
 1) You can call the Melnorme in HyperSpace to come to your ship.
 2) You can comminicate with the Chenjesu and the Mmmmhrmmr.
 3) You can fool the Ilwrath into thinking that Dogar and Kazon are speaking directly to them.
If you don't want to wait for the Umgah Caster, you can get the Burvixese Caster which is located at Arcturus Ia.  We only recommend this if you have the Portal Spawner though, because of the time involved getting it otherwise.

Arilou Tasks:
In Alpha Pavonis on a blue planet there is a wreck of an Ur-Quan Dreadnought. Salvage the wreck and pick up the Ur-Quan warp pod.  Later, in Columbae a portal to QuasiSpace opens every month on the 17th and stays open for a few days.  Visit the Arilou homeworld in the far upper right hand corner of QuasiSpace.  Provided that you have the Ur-Quan warp pod, they will fit your ship with a Quasi-Space Portal Spawner, which will save you much time and fuel. Since there are 15 "holes" back to HyperSpace, it is a little daunting to find which hole leads where.  This is an important device to have because of the time you will save.

The important thing to remember here is: DON'T KILL HIM!!  Go to Delta Gorno. Converse with him -- actually -- insult him. It's the fastest way. He thinks that you are Ur-Quan and will attack. Continue to converse with him by using your emergency warp.  After he realizes who you are, he will become quite happy to help you in anyway possible.
In order to bring the Yehat back from the Queens clutches, you need to repopulate the Shofixti race.  Of course, you need to have females to do this.  A VUX admiral named ZEX (ha ha) on Alpha Cerekov I has several Shofixti women.  But in order to get them, you need to find this creature he wants.  It is located on Delta Lyncis I.  It is easily found by the fact that it's huge and is very aggressive.
Return the creature to Admiral ZEX.  He will want to capture you, but the creature will escape, killing him and allowing you to go to the planet surface and get the Shofixti women.  Travel back to Delta Gorno and give them to Tanaka. Two months later, you can get a Shofixti ship. Another benefit is that crew cost is lowered to 3 instead of 5 due to the Shofixti volunteers. Buy one and carry it with you to Yehat space.  Show the Shofixti to the Yehat.  Unfortunately, you will start a civil war, but it can't be avoided. Later the Yehat can give you some ships if you need them.

Zot-Fot-Pik Tasks:
Visit thier homeworld.  They will eagerly join up with you and provide you with the designs for their ships. These guys will also provide you with some important reconaissence information, such as the location of the Sa-Matra, and also information about who is winning the Ur-Quan and Kohr-Ah war.  We liked these guys the best (except for the Umgah -- har har har). Both of us want to know about Frungy...

Slylandro Tasks:
Have you noticed how annoying those Slylandro probes are?  If you visit their homeworld, they will provide you with a self-destruct sequence code for the exploration probes.  Later, the Slylandro reprogram a probe which has returned to their world to broadcast the destruct sequence; this will dramatically lower the population of probes.  The Slylandro give you information about the Precursors.  Apparently the Rainbow Worlds have some great role in relating the fate of that ancient race. The rainbow world align into an arrow formation pointing toward the galatic core.  (Hmmm, setting up for a sequel maybe??!) :)
                Beta Pegasi I                Epsilon Draconis I
                Epsilon Lipi I               Beta Leporis I
                Gamma Aquarii I              Groombridge I
                Alpha Andromedae I           Gamma Reticuli I
                Gamma Kepler I               Zeta Sextantis I
But other than the fact they're worth 500 credits from the Melnorme, there is nothing else to them.

The Umgah have an Ur-Quan "talking pet" which is actually a Dryanni. You need to get the Taalo Pyshic Shield device on Delta Vulpeculae IIc. (Be nice to the Orz!) If you travel to the homeworld and ask about secrets, the Umgah will tell you that it is undergoing surgery.  If you leave and come back, the creature has taken over the minds of the Umgah.  The creature will try to send you to your death by making you attack an Ur-Quan armada; if you have the Taalo physic shield device, it will protect you from the tricks of the Dryanni.  After you are attacked by 10 Umgah commanders, the Dryanni will surrender.  Return to the planet.  The Umgah will give you some important information about the Mycon; and also 500 units of biological data that you can sell to the Melnorme; as well as four ships. Being great joke lovers they will proceed to attack you...just warp out and leave the system.  (PS:  For a good laugh sometime, come back...maybe you can be Honorary King!)

Ilwrath Tasks
When you enter the Ilwrath home system, use the Caster to trick the Ilwrath into choosing a new target.  It will be the Thraddash, so be sure that you have the Aqua Helix before you send them off on their rampage.  They will pack up and leave Pkunk space.
After the war was over, the Chenjesu and the Mmrnmhrm decided to be enclosed on one planet.   Use the Sun Device from to accellerate the "process" of the combination.  The Chmmr will do three important things for you.  You will recieve unlimited RUs; they supply the designs for the Chmmr Avatar -- easily the best overall alien ship (other than your own.); and finally, they enhance the bomb with their crystal technology.

The Chmmr transport you back to Earth, two weeks later...the bomb has been loaded into your flagship.  We recommend the following configuration (since you only have six open slots due to the bomb mechanism):
        * Hi-Effiecency Fuel System
        * 5 Crew Pods.
We also recommend that you buy 10 Chmmr Avatars and save two Pkunk ships. The Avatar is definitely NOT the best ship to fight the Ur-Quan and Kohr-Ah. The Utwig Jugger is far better at this -- an Ur-Quan ship has absolutely no chance against a Jugger, and a Kohr-Ah ship is only a small challenge.  An Chmmr Avatar has only a slight advantage over either of these baddies.  An Avatar can take out one, maybe two Ur-Quan/Kohr-Ah ships before biting it, but a decent Utwig pilot can hold out almost indefinitely.)
Use your portal spawner to put you near the Crateris constellation, and proceed to Delta Crateris V.  Around the planet is the biggest group of nasties we've ever seen.  Use your Dryanni to distract the orbiting fleet. Once you're able to enter the "planet" screen (the blowup of just the planet and the Sa-Matra), save your game!!  Proceed to the Sa-Matra, where you will be attacked by 3 Kzer-Za and 3 Kohr-Ah ships.  Take them out with the Chmmr Avatars (or don't).  But don't worry, the ships you lose here will be replaced with Yehat Terminators and Pkunk Furies.  After the Ur-Quan toadies are destroyed, the Dryanni will tell you about the configuration of the Sa-Matra. It has been our experience that Pkunk ships -- surprisingly -- do rather well against the shield generators.  This is due to thier speed and broadside capabilities.  Once the shield is down, concentrate your attacks on the green blotches and the fireballs.  Once you kill them, then fly your flagship into the opening, and win.

Star Control II - List of Coordinates
****************************** RAINBOW WORLDS ***********************
Zeta    Sextantis      X: 468.1 Y:  91.6 [2A]
Gamma   Kepler         X: 602.0 Y: 297.9 [2A]
Gamma   Reticuli       X: 741.6 Y: 508.3 [2A]
Alpha   Andromedae     X: 862.5 Y: 700.0 [2A]
Beta    Pegasi         X:  39.5 Y: 745.8 [2A]
Epsilon Draconis       X: 283.6 Y: 785.7 [2A]
Epsilon Lipi           X: 543.7 Y: 827.0 [2A]
Beta    Leporis        X: 766.6 Y: 866.6 [2A]
Gamma   Aquarii        X: 853.4 Y: 879.7 [2A]
        Groombridge    X: 996.0 Y: 904.2 [2A]
***************************** HOMEWORLDS ****************************
Gamma   Serpentis      X: 492.3 Y:  29.4 [26] Yehat
Gamma   Krueger        X:  52.2 Y:  52.5 [23] Pkunks
        SOL            X: 175.2 Y: 145.0 [01] Solary system (Earth)
Beta    Luyten         X: 433.3 Y: 168.7 [27] VUX
        Vela           X: 334.5 Y: 193.1 [04] Your homeworld
Epsilon Scorpii        X: 629.1 Y: 220.8 [1F] Mycon
        Procyon        X:  74.2 Y: 226.8 [11] Mmmrnm & Chenesu
Gamma   Vulpeculae     X: 371.3 Y: 253.7 [28] Orz
Zeta    Persei         X: 946.9 Y: 280.6 [15] Druuge
Alpha   Tauri          X:  22.9 Y: 366.6 [2B] Ilwrath
Epsilon Gruis          X: 241.6 Y: 368.7 [05] Spathi
        Betelgeuse     X: 412.5 Y: 377.0 [12] Syreen
Alpha   Tucanae        X: 400.0 Y: 543.7 [06] Zot-Pit-Poq
Beta    Orionis        X: 197.8 Y: 596.8 [10] Umgah & Talking Pet
Delta   Draconis       X: 253.5 Y: 835.8 [29] Thraddash
Beta    Aquarii        X: 863.0 Y: 869.3 [24] Utwig
Beta    Librae         X: 741.4 Y: 912.4 [25] Supox
Beta    Corvi          X:  33.3 Y: 981.2 [14] Gas race
**************************** TRADERS ********************************
Beta    Arae           X: 933.3 Y:  93.7 [07]
Alpha   Centauri       X: 155.9 Y:  99.3 [08]
        Zeeman         X: 335.2 Y: 194.0 [09]
Alpha   Vulpeculae     X: 365.4 Y: 258.7 [0A]
Alpha   Illuminati     X: 235.4 Y: 329.1 [0B]
Alpha   Octantis       X: 157.8 Y: 666.8 [0C]
Alpha   Eridani        X: 587.5 Y: 772.9 [0D]
Alpha   Apodis         X: 258.2 Y: 850.7 [0E]
Alpha   Aquilae        X: 915.9 Y: 974.5 [0F]
************************ OTHER EVENTS *******************************
Delta   Crateris       X: 620.0 Y: 593.5 [1D] Ur-Quan`s Sa-Matra
Alpha   Pavonis        X:  56.2 Y: 800.0 [1B] Ur-Quan`s ship
Delta   Gorno          X: 290.8 Y:  26.9 [02] Shofixti male
Alpha   Cerenkov       X: 422.1 Y: 198.6 [03] ZUX & Femal Shofixti
Delta   Lyncis         X: 570.4 Y: 979.5 [1C] Beast for ZUX
        Organon        X: 685.8 Y:  57.7 [2D] Mycon`s death
Beta    Brahe          X: 639.5 Y: 231.2 [18] Mycon`s (Sun device!!)
Gamma   Scorpii        X: 647.9 Y: 206.2 [21] Mycon`s egg
Beta    Copernicus     X: 600.8 Y: 263.1 [20] Mycon`s Egg
Gamma   Brahe          X: 635.4 Y: 272.9 [22] Mycon`s egg
        Rigel          X: 210.4 Y: 208.3 [1E] Meet with Zot-Pit-Poq
Eta     Vulpeculae     X: 358.7 Y: 256.6 [2C] Androsynth`s rests
Delta   Vulpeculae     X: 372.1 Y: 261.9 [19] Taalo device (II-C)
Epsilon Camelopardalis X: 593.7 Y: 393.7 [1A] Syreen`s ships (locked)
        Arcturus       X: 964.5 Y: 579.1 [13] Burvix`s `Caster (I-A)
Zeta    Draconis       X: 277.6 Y: 867.3 [17] Aqua Helix
Zeta    Hyades         X: 850.0 Y: 937.2 [16] Utwig`s Bomb (VI-B)

Zeta    Serpentis      X: 500.7 Y:   3.5
Eta     Giclas         X:  70.8 Y:   4.1
Eta     Serpentis      X: 471.4 Y:   7.8
        Deneb          X: 218.7 Y:   8.3
Beta    Gorno          X: 281.4 Y:   8.9
        Capella        X: 424.4 Y:   9.1
        Pollux         X: 565.2 Y:   9.8
Gamma   Gorno          X: 293.9 Y:  11.6
Alpha   Gorno          X: 277.1 Y:  14.6
Zeta    Scuti          X: 531.3 Y:  15.0
Epsilon Krueger        X:  26.5 Y:  15.6
Theta   Serpentis      X: 452.9 Y:  16.9
Alpha   Serpentis      X: 491.1 Y:  18.0
Delta   Serpentis      X: 474.7 Y:  22.1
        Alcor          X: 970.8 Y:  25.0
Beta    Serpentis      X: 486.1 Y:  26.2
Delta   Gorno          X: 290.8 Y:  26.9 [02] Shofixti male
Epsilon Ptolemae       X: 185.5 Y:  27.0
Beta    Trianguli      X: 795.8 Y:  27.0
Delta   Scuti          X: 516.0 Y:  28.0
Delta   Krueger        X:  57.0 Y:  28.9
Gamma   Serpentis      X: 492.3 Y:  29.4 [26] HW of Yehat
Epsilon Gorno          X: 282.0 Y:  30.1
Alpha   Trianguli      X: 793.4 Y:  31.8
Gamma   Trianguli      X: 806.2 Y:  31.8
Zeta    Giclas         X: 111.6 Y:  33.4
Gamma   Giclas         X:  80.3 Y:  33.7
Zeta    Ptolemae       X: 178.7 Y:  33.8
Delta   Giclas         X:  87.7 Y:  34.0
Epsilon Scuti          X: 533.8 Y:  35.5
Alpha   Scuti          X: 503.9 Y:  37.3
Alpha   Giclas         X:  84.3 Y:  38.0
Epsilon Serpentis      X: 487.2 Y:  40.8
Eta     Ptolemae       X: 174.0 Y:  42.3
Iota    Serpentis      X: 459.6 Y:  42.9
Beta    Giclas         X:  84.3 Y:  43.1
Delta   Ptolemae       X: 215.6 Y:  44.0
Alpha   Ptolemae       X: 200.4 Y:  44.1
Beta    Krueger        X:  53.0 Y:  44.2
Epsilon Giclas         X:  95.8 Y:  46.8
Beta    Ptolemae       X: 205.8 Y:  47.5
Alpha   Krueger        X:  30.4 Y:  47.7
Gamma   Krueger        X:  52.2 Y:  52.5 [23] HW of Pkunks
Gamma   Ptolemae       X: 210.0 Y:  55.4
Zeta    Krueger        X:  13.4 Y:  56.5
        Organon        X: 685.8 Y:  57.7 [2D] Mycon`s death
Beta    Scuti          X: 501.4 Y:  58.4
Gamma   Scuti          X: 525.6 Y:  60.8
Alpha   Caeli          X: 241.1 Y:  71.8
Beta    Caeli          X: 258.9 Y:  74.1
Theta   Giclas         X:  67.5 Y:  74.2
Delta   Arae           X: 929.2 Y:  75.0
Zeta    Centauri       X: 146.3 Y:  77.9
Delta   Caeli          X: 308.9 Y:  78.2
Gamma   Caeli          X: 285.4 Y:  78.7
Epsilon Caeli          X: 333.3 Y:  80.1
Epsilon Arae           X: 923.7 Y:  82.1
Alpha   Arae           X: 933.9 Y:  84.3
Gamma   Lacaille       X:  24.2 Y:  85.7
Epsilon Centauri       X: 151.5 Y:  86.6
Epsilon Sextantis      X: 477.0 Y:  89.5
Beta    Centauri       X: 141.2 Y:  90.5
Zeta    Sextantis      X: 468.1 Y:  91.6 [2A] Rainbow world
Beta    Arae           X: 933.3 Y:  93.7 [07] Trader
Gamma   Arae           X: 941.9 Y:  94.2
Beta    Lacaille       X:  23.0 Y:  95.2
Alpha   Lacaille       X:  14.6 Y:  95.5
Delta   Sextantis      X: 487.3 Y:  96.8
Alpha   Centauri       X: 155.9 Y:  99.3 [08] Trader
Beta    Lyrae          X: 189.5 Y: 104.1
Alpha   Sextantis      X: 433.7 Y: 106.6
        Regulus        X: 373.2 Y: 106.7
Gamma   Centauri       X: 157.9 Y: 111.5
Gamma   Sextantis      X: 487.5 Y: 114.5
Beta    Sextantis      X: 460.4 Y: 118.7
Delta   Sculptoris     X: 581.2 Y: 120.8
Delta   Centauri       X: 131.2 Y: 126.0
Alpha   Lyrae          X: 191.6 Y: 127.0
        Hyperion       X: 656.2 Y: 127.0
        Mizar          X:  41.6 Y: 130.1
Beta    Indi           X: 395.8 Y: 135.4
Alpha   Indi           X: 400.0 Y: 136.3
        SOL            X: 175.2 Y: 145.0 [01] Solary system (Earth)
        Canopus        X: 218.7 Y: 150.0
        Sirius         X: 180.6 Y: 150.7
Epsilon Sculptoris     X: 570.8 Y: 152.0
Beta    Arietis        X: 946.9 Y: 154.8
Gamma   Luyten         X: 433.3 Y: 156.2
Alpha   Sculptoris     X: 604.1 Y: 156.2
Alpha   Arietis        X: 937.5 Y: 158.3
Beta    Raynet         X: 288.1 Y: 161.4
Gamma   Sculptoris     X: 608.3 Y: 162.5
Alpha   Luyten         X: 425.0 Y: 164.5
Eta     Volantis       X:  65.0 Y: 164.6
Gamma   Arietis        X: 947.7 Y: 167.0
Alpha   Raynet         X: 284.0 Y: 167.6
Delta   Arietis        X: 954.1 Y: 168.7
Gamma   Arianni        X: 739.5 Y: 168.7
Beta    Luyten         X: 433.3 Y: 168.7 [27] HW of VUX
Epsilon Arietis        X: 955.9 Y: 173.5
Zeta    Volantis       X:  73.6 Y: 173.7
Alpha   Wolf           X: 160.1 Y: 174.6
Alpha   Arianni        X: 739.5 Y: 175.0
Alpha   Volantis       X:  95.1 Y: 177.0
Beta    Wolf           X: 166.6 Y: 181.2
Beta    Arianni        X: 718.7 Y: 183.3
Epsilon Volantis       X:  70.5 Y: 183.8
Beta    Volantis       X: 114.0 Y: 184.7
Alpha   Scorpii        X: 646.7 Y: 187.8
Gamma   Raynet         X: 279.1 Y: 189.5
Beta    Scorpii        X: 650.0 Y: 191.6
        Bellatrix      X: 545.8 Y: 191.6
Gamma   Volantis       X: 104.8 Y: 191.9
Beta    Mira           X: 367.8 Y: 192.6
        Vela           X: 334.5 Y: 193.1 [04] Your homeworld
Delta   Aurigae        X: 818.7 Y: 193.7
        Zeeman         X: 335.2 Y: 194.0 [09] Trader
Delta   Volantis       X:  97.7 Y: 195.3
Alpha   Cerenkov       X: 422.1 Y: 198.6 [03] ZUX & Femal Shofixti
Beta    Cerenkov       X: 450.0 Y: 200.0
Alpha   Sagittarii     X: 683.3 Y: 200.0
Gamma   Aurigae        X: 816.3 Y: 200.9
Beta    Aurigae        X: 808.0 Y: 201.1
Delta   Scorpii        X: 603.6 Y: 203.5
Gamma   Scorpii        X: 647.9 Y: 206.2 [21] Mycon`s egg
        Rigel          X: 210.4 Y: 208.3 [1E] Here you`ll meet with Zot-Pit-..
Alpha   Aurigae        X: 806.2 Y: 208.3
Alpha   Olber          X:  27.0 Y: 218.7
Zeta    Scorpii        X: 650.0 Y: 220.8
Epsilon Scorpii        X: 629.1 Y: 220.8 [1F] HW of Mycon
Beta    Olber          X:  12.5 Y: 222.9
Gamma   Olber          X:  31.2 Y: 225.0
Gamma   Mira           X: 388.4 Y: 226.2
        Procyon        X:  74.2 Y: 226.8 [11] HW of Mmmrnm & Chenesu
Alpha   Saurus         X: 230.6 Y: 228.5
Beta    Saurus         X: 240.2 Y: 230.9
Beta    Brahe          X: 639.5 Y: 231.2 [18] Mycon`s (Sun device!!)
Iota    Persei         X: 887.5 Y: 231.2
Alpha   Mira           X: 355.1 Y: 232.0
Alpha   Brahe          X: 620.8 Y: 233.3
Delta   Mira           X: 335.4 Y: 235.4
        Almagest       X: 990.9 Y: 235.9
Gamma   Saurus         X: 229.8 Y: 238.5
Beta    Sagittarii     X: 702.0 Y: 239.5
Epsilon Persei         X: 903.8 Y: 240.7
Theta   Persei         X: 937.5 Y: 241.6
Zeta    Brahe          X: 650.0 Y: 245.8
Delta   Bootis         X:  21.7 Y: 250.9
Beta    Vulpeculae     X: 364.1 Y: 251.2
Gamma   Copernicus     X: 562.5 Y: 252.0
Gamma   Vulpeculae     X: 371.3 Y: 253.7 [28] HW of Orz
Eta     Vulpeculae     X: 358.7 Y: 256.6 [2C] Androsynth`s rests
Alpha   Persei         X: 929.1 Y: 258.3
Alpha   Vulpeculae     X: 365.4 Y: 258.7 [0A] Trader
Delta   Vulpeculae     X: 372.1 Y: 261.9 [19] Taalo device (II-C)
Alpha   Copernicus     X: 579.1 Y: 262.5
Epsilon Brahe          X: 641.6 Y: 262.5
Beta    Copernicus     X: 600.8 Y: 263.1 [20] Mycon`s Egg
Zeta    Vulpeculae     X: 360.8 Y: 263.7
Alpha   Lalande        X: 349.9 Y: 264.8
Beta    Persei         X: 947.9 Y: 266.6
Epsilon Vulpeculae     X: 366.8 Y: 266.6
Alpha   Bootis         X:  22.9 Y: 266.6
Eta     Persei         X: 889.5 Y: 268.7
Epsilon Bootis         X:  13.8 Y: 269.6
        Achernar       X: 537.5 Y: 272.9
Gamma   Brahe          X: 635.4 Y: 272.9 [22] Mycon`s egg
Delta   Brahe          X: 645.8 Y: 275.0
Zeta    Illuminati     X: 245.8 Y: 275.0
Beta    Bootis         X:  35.1 Y: 275.8
Gamma   Sagittarii     X: 708.3 Y: 277.0
Delta   Lalande        X: 375.9 Y: 277.8
Gamma   Persei         X: 933.3 Y: 279.1
Beta    Lalande        X: 340.0 Y: 280.4
Zeta    Persei         X: 946.9 Y: 280.6 [15] HW of Druuge
Gamma   Lalande        X: 361.9 Y: 283.0
Eta     Illuminati     X: 220.8 Y: 285.4
Delta   Persei         X: 925.0 Y: 285.4
Eta     Bootis         X:  67.2 Y: 286.3
Zeta    Bootis         X:  16.7 Y: 287.5
Beta    Mensae         X: 403.0 Y: 288.7
Gamma   Bootis         X:  38.4 Y: 290.0
Epsilon Illuminati     X: 272.7 Y: 295.1
Gamma   Mensae         X: 464.5 Y: 295.8
Beta    Kepler         X: 562.5 Y: 295.8
Gamma   Puppis         X: 827.0 Y: 295.8
Beta    Puppis         X: 829.1 Y: 297.9
Gamma   Kepler         X: 602.0 Y: 297.9 [2A] Rainbow world
Delta   Sagittarii     X: 656.2 Y: 302.0
Theta   Illuminati     X: 201.1 Y: 304.3
Alpha   Puppis         X: 812.5 Y: 308.3
Delta   Illuminati     X: 235.4 Y: 316.6
Alpha   Mensae         X: 383.3 Y: 318.7
Alpha   Kepler         X: 581.2 Y: 320.8
        Algol          X: 900.0 Y: 325.0
Alpha   Virginis       X:  29.1 Y: 325.0
Beta    Virginis       X:  50.1 Y: 325.9
Gamma   Virginis       X:  79.1 Y: 327.0
Alpha   Illuminati     X: 235.4 Y: 329.1 [0B] Trader
Delta   Virginis       X: 110.4 Y: 333.3
Gamma   Illuminati     X: 268.7 Y: 333.3
Beta    Vitalis        X: 318.7 Y: 337.5
Beta    Herculis       X: 175.8 Y: 341.8
Beta    Illuminati     X: 252.0 Y: 343.7
Alpha   Piscium        X: 843.7 Y: 345.8
Delta   Piscium        X: 877.0 Y: 345.8
Alpha   Vitalis        X: 300.0 Y: 350.0
Epsilon Tauri          X:  14.9 Y: 351.9
Beta    Piscium        X: 879.1 Y: 354.1
Beta    Gruis          X: 214.8 Y: 355.1
        Aldebaran      X: 737.5 Y: 356.2
Beta    Pictoris       X: 931.2 Y: 356.2
Delta   Pictoris       X: 959.9 Y: 358.3
Gamma   Pictoris       X: 937.5 Y: 360.4
Zeta    Tauri          X:   9.0 Y: 361.4
Delta   Vitalis        X: 277.0 Y: 362.5
Gamma   Piscium        X: 870.8 Y: 362.5
Gamma   Tauri          X:  26.7 Y: 364.5
Alpha   Herculis       X: 160.4 Y: 364.5
Alpha   Gruis          X: 227.4 Y: 366.3
Alpha   Tauri          X:  22.9 Y: 366.6 [2B] HW of Ilwrath
Gamma   Vitalis        X: 308.3 Y: 367.4
Epsilon Gruis          X: 241.6 Y: 368.7 [05] HW of Spathi
Alpha   Pictoris       X: 933.3 Y: 370.8
Gamma   Gruis          X: 225.0 Y: 370.8
Beta    Tauri          X:  28.8 Y: 373.5
Delta   Gruis          X: 235.4 Y: 374.1
Zeta    Gruis          X: 258.3 Y: 375.0
        Betelgeuse     X: 412.5 Y: 377.0 [12] HW of Syreen
Delta   Tauri          X:  16.6 Y: 377.0
Delta   Camelopardalis X: 627.0 Y: 383.3
Alpha   Squidi         X: 214.5 Y: 391.6
Gamma   Camelopardalis X: 612.5 Y: 393.7
Iota    Camelopardalis X: 629.1 Y: 393.7
Epsilon Camelopardalis X: 593.7 Y: 393.7 [1A] Syreen`s ships (locked)
Eta     Gruis          X: 247.9 Y: 395.8
Beta    Velorum        X:  92.6 Y: 397.2
Beta    Squidi         X: 206.2 Y: 399.1
Theta   Camelopardalis X: 589.5 Y: 402.0
Alpha   Telescopii     X:  28.5 Y: 402.0
Alpha   Camelopardalis X: 606.2 Y: 404.1
Beta    Ceti           X: 287.5 Y: 404.1
Beta    Hyginus        X: 864.5 Y: 406.2
Alpha   Velorum        X:  86.0 Y: 406.5
Beta    Camelopardalis X: 595.8 Y: 408.3
Gamma   Ceti           X: 303.8 Y: 408.3
Beta    Telescopii     X:  29.1 Y: 410.4
Zeta    Camelopardalis X: 616.6 Y: 412.5
Gamma   Phoenicis      X: 981.2 Y: 414.5
Alpha   Hyginus        X: 852.0 Y: 416.6
Beta    Phoenicis      X: 957.3 Y: 418.2
Gamma   Telescopii     X:  50.0 Y: 418.7
Gamma   Squidi         X: 214.5 Y: 420.8
Eta     Camelopardalis X: 620.8 Y: 422.9
Eta     Ceti           X: 281.2 Y: 425.0
Delta   Ceti           X: 293.7 Y: 430.6
Alpha   Phoenicis      X: 941.6 Y: 439.5
Alpha   Ceti           X: 287.5 Y: 447.9
Epsilon Cygnus         X:  25.0 Y: 458.3
Delta   Reticuli       X: 725.0 Y: 458.3
Alpha   Cygnus         X:  47.9 Y: 458.3
        Metis          X: 570.8 Y: 460.4
Beta    Cygnus         X:  47.9 Y: 464.5
Zeta    Ceti           X: 289.5 Y: 468.7
Epsilon Ceti           X: 270.8 Y: 470.8
Gamma   Cygnus         X:  56.2 Y: 470.8
Delta   Cygnus         X:  41.6 Y: 471.7
Delta   Cancri         X: 509.4 Y: 493.1
Beta    Pyxidis        X: 900.0 Y: 500.0
Alpha   Pyxidis        X: 895.8 Y: 500.0
Gamma   Cancri         X: 500.6 Y: 501.1
Alpha   Reticuli       X: 731.2 Y: 506.2
Gamma   Cassiopeiae    X: 367.9 Y: 506.8
Gamma   Pyxidis        X: 906.2 Y: 508.3
Gamma   Reticuli       X: 741.6 Y: 508.3 [2A] Rainbow world
Beta    Cancri         X: 515.5 Y: 512.2
Delta   Cassiopeiae    X: 387.5 Y: 514.5
Alpha   Cancri         X: 493.7 Y: 514.5
Alpha   Capricorni     X: 297.9 Y: 516.6
Beta    Capricorni     X: 303.5 Y: 517.8
Epsilon Cassiopeiae    X: 399.4 Y: 518.5
Alpha   Cassiopeiae    X: 354.1 Y: 518.7
Alpha   Maksutov       X: 597.7 Y: 524.6
Beta    Cassiopeiae    X: 377.0 Y: 525.0
Gamma   Normae         X: 152.0 Y: 526.1
Delta   Normae         X: 161.3 Y: 527.9
Beta    Reticuli       X: 702.0 Y: 529.1
Beta    Normae         X: 141.6 Y: 531.5
Gamma   Capricorni     X: 299.3 Y: 531.8
Alpha   Normae         X: 142.5 Y: 540.4
Epsilon Normae         X: 185.4 Y: 541.6
Alpha   Carinae        X: 362.5 Y: 543.7
Beta    Carinae        X: 341.6 Y: 543.7
Alpha   Tucanae        X: 400.0 Y: 543.7 [06] HW of Zot-Pit-Poq
Beta    Maksutov       X: 627.0 Y: 547.9
Gamma   Carinae        X: 358.3 Y: 547.9
Gamma   Tucanae        X: 408.3 Y: 551.3
Zeta    Normae         X: 215.9 Y: 561.4
Beta    Tucanae        X: 393.7 Y: 562.5
Alpha   Crateris       X: 601.4 Y: 563.2
Alpha   Sagittae       X:  25.0 Y: 568.7
Beta    Cephei         X: 362.5 Y: 575.0
Beta    Sagittae       X:  37.1 Y: 577.2
Beta    Crateris       X: 610.7 Y: 578.5
        Arcturus       X: 964.5 Y: 579.1 [13] Burvix`s `Caster (I-A)
Epsilon Orionis        X: 154.5 Y: 581.8
Alpha   Cephei         X: 375.0 Y: 583.3
Epsilon Crateris       X: 630.1 Y: 587.5
Gamma   Orionis        X: 192.3 Y: 587.8
Beta    Lentelis       X: 462.5 Y: 589.5
Gamma   Sagittae       X:  15.2 Y: 590.0
Delta   Crucis         X: 543.7 Y: 591.6
Delta   Orionis        X: 171.4 Y: 592.6
Delta   Crateris       X: 620.0 Y: 593.5 [1D] Ur-Quan`s Sa-Matra
Eta     Crateris       X: 642.9 Y: 595.8
Delta   Lentelis       X: 472.9 Y: 595.8
Beta    Orionis        X: 197.8 Y: 596.8 [10] HW of Umgah & Talking Pet
Alpha   Circini        X:  39.5 Y: 597.9
Epsilon Circini        X:  56.3 Y: 598.0
Zeta    Circini        X:  45.6 Y: 598.9
Alpha   Lentelis       X: 462.5 Y: 600.0
Gamma   Crateris       X: 616.6 Y: 600.0
Zeta    Crateris       X: 649.6 Y: 603.2
Mu      Orionis        X: 222.8 Y: 603.8
Gamma   Lentelis       X: 458.3 Y: 604.1
Zeta    Orionis        X: 155.8 Y: 605.8
Alpha   Orionis        X: 190.2 Y: 606.5
Lambda  Orionis        X: 215.9 Y: 607.3
Beta    Circini        X:  36.5 Y: 609.3
Delta   Circini        X:  54.1 Y: 614.5
Kappa   Orionis        X: 220.0 Y: 617.6
Gamma   Columbae       X:  72.9 Y: 620.8
Gamma   Crucis         X: 525.0 Y: 622.9
Gamma   Hydrae         X: 816.6 Y: 625.0
Theta   Crateris       X: 621.5 Y: 625.5
Gamma   Circini        X:  43.7 Y: 627.0
Alpha   Crucis         X: 558.3 Y: 629.1
Theta   Orionis        X: 188.1 Y: 630.8
Eta     Orionis        X: 179.5 Y: 632.9
Iota    Orionis        X: 211.8 Y: 637.9
Alpha   Columbae       X:  75.0 Y: 645.8
Alpha   Delphini       X: 371.6 Y: 645.8
Beta    Octantis       X: 136.0 Y: 648.9
Alpha   Hydrae         X: 733.3 Y: 650.0
Beta    Delphini       X: 377.0 Y: 650.0
        Altair         X: 450.0 Y: 650.0
Delta   Chandrasekhar  X:  18.7 Y: 652.0
Alpha   Chandrasekhar  X:  12.5 Y: 654.1
Beta    Hydrae         X: 781.2 Y: 656.2
Beta    Columbae       X:  77.0 Y: 660.2
Alpha   Equulei        X: 591.0 Y: 662.4
Gamma   Chandrasekhar  X:  20.8 Y: 662.5
Alpha   Mersenne       X: 260.4 Y: 664.5
Alpha   Octantis       X: 157.8 Y: 666.8 [0C] Trader
Beta    Crucis         X: 547.9 Y: 668.7
Beta    Chandrasekhar  X:  37.5 Y: 671.6
Epsilon Chandrasekhar  X:  31.2 Y: 672.8
Beta    Equulei        X: 602.0 Y: 672.9
Kappa   Chamaeleonis   X: 506.2 Y: 675.0
Alpha   Doradus        X: 420.8 Y: 685.4
Iota    Chamaeleonis   X: 514.5 Y: 687.5
Beta    Doradus        X: 429.1 Y: 693.7
Theta   Chamaeleonis   X: 514.5 Y: 695.8
Gamma   Horologii      X: 720.8 Y: 700.0
Alpha   Andromedae     X: 862.5 Y: 700.0 [2A] Rainbow world
Beta    Chamaeleonis   X: 495.5 Y: 703.4
Gamma   Chamaeleonis   X: 489.5 Y: 704.1
Alpha   Chamaeleonis   X: 497.1 Y: 710.4
Beta    Andromedae     X: 866.6 Y: 710.4
Delta   Chamaeleonis   X: 485.4 Y: 712.5
Eta     Chamaeleonis   X: 508.3 Y: 714.5
Delta   Horologii      X: 736.0 Y: 718.4
Gamma   Muscae         X: 102.0 Y: 718.7
Alpha   Monocerotis    X: 387.5 Y: 718.7
Epsilon Chamaeleonis   X: 487.9 Y: 720.1
Zeta    Chamaeleonis   X: 495.8 Y: 722.9
Beta    Horologii      X: 712.5 Y: 725.0
Epsilon Horologii      X: 753.2 Y: 725.8
Beta    Mersenne       X: 241.6 Y: 729.1
Beta    Monocerotis    X: 385.4 Y: 729.1
Gamma   Leonis         X: 968.7 Y: 733.3
Beta    Pegasi         X:  39.5 Y: 745.8 [2A] Rainbow world
Gamma   Geminorum      X: 489.5 Y: 745.8
Delta   Geminorum      X: 464.5 Y: 747.9
Lambda  Horologii      X: 694.0 Y: 751.4
Zeta    Horologii      X: 744.3 Y: 753.8
        Antares        X: 647.9 Y: 754.1
Alpha   Horologii      X: 720.8 Y: 754.1
Gamma   Eridani        X: 579.1 Y: 758.3
Alpha   Pegasi         X:  33.3 Y: 762.5
Beta    Eridani        X: 595.8 Y: 764.5
Beta    Muscae         X: 104.1 Y: 770.8
Alpha   Eridani        X: 587.5 Y: 772.9 [0D] Trader
Alpha   Muscae         X: 112.5 Y: 779.1
Beta    Geminorum      X: 497.9 Y: 779.1
Alpha   Geminorum      X: 495.8 Y: 779.1
Kappa   Horologii      X: 688.9 Y: 780.3
Theta   Horologii      X: 720.0 Y: 784.9
Eta     Horologii      X: 739.5 Y: 785.4
Beta    Leonis         X: 943.7 Y: 785.4
Epsilon Draconis       X: 283.6 Y: 785.7 [2A] Rainbow world
Alpha   Fornacis       X: 537.5 Y: 787.5
Eta     Fornacis       X: 618.7 Y: 787.5
Epsilon Fornacis       X: 604.1 Y: 791.6
Delta   Fornacis       X: 597.9 Y: 797.9
Iota    Horologii      X: 708.3 Y: 799.3
Theta   Draconis       X: 327.0 Y: 800.0
Zeta    Fornacis       X: 610.4 Y: 800.0
Beta    Pavonis        X:  68.7 Y: 800.0
Alpha   Pavonis        X:  56.2 Y: 800.0 [1B] Ur-Quan`s ship
Beta    Fornacis       X: 564.5 Y: 802.0
Delta   Muscae         X: 139.5 Y: 804.1
Beta    Lacertae       X: 822.9 Y: 804.1
Gamma   Draconis       X: 251.8 Y: 805.6
Gamma   Fornacis       X: 587.5 Y: 806.2
Alpha   Lacertae       X: 841.6 Y: 808.3
Alpha   Leonis         X: 900.0 Y: 822.9
Iota    Draconis       X: 356.2 Y: 825.0
Epsilon Lipi           X: 543.7 Y: 827.0 [2A] Rainbow world
Epsilon Muscae         X: 152.0 Y: 833.3
Alpha   Draconis       X: 277.1 Y: 835.1
Delta   Draconis       X: 253.5 Y: 835.8 [29] HW of Thraddash
Eta     Draconis       X: 315.1 Y: 839.0
Lambda  Draconis       X: 236.2 Y: 839.5
Beta    Draconis       X: 282.2 Y: 839.5
Beta    Lipi           X: 550.0 Y: 839.5
Delta   Apodis         X: 253.6 Y: 850.4
Alpha   Apodis         X: 258.2 Y: 850.7 [0E] Trader
Zeta    Aquarii        X: 862.5 Y: 856.2
        Fomalhaut      X: 437.5 Y: 856.2
Beta    Apodis         X: 259.3 Y: 856.9
Gamma   Apodis         X: 256.2 Y: 857.2
Eta     Aquarii        X: 849.2 Y: 857.8
Zeta    Muscae         X: 112.5 Y: 858.3
Alpha   Leporis        X: 807.3 Y: 858.8
Alpha   Aquarii        X: 856.0 Y: 863.8
Epsilon Aquarii        X: 875.0 Y: 864.5
Alpha   Lipi           X: 556.2 Y: 864.5
Xi      Draconis       X: 258.8 Y: 865.3
Kappa   Draconis       X: 245.8 Y: 866.6
Beta    Leporis        X: 766.6 Y: 866.6 [2A] Rainbow world
Zeta    Draconis       X: 277.6 Y: 867.3 [17] Aqua Helix
Beta    Aquarii        X: 863.0 Y: 869.3 [24] HW of Utwig
Mu      Draconis       X: 231.0 Y: 870.2
Alpha   Ophiuchi       X:  43.7 Y: 877.0
Gamma   Aquarii        X: 853.4 Y: 879.7 [2A] Rainbow world
Delta   Aquarii        X: 858.8 Y: 881.2
Gamma   Leporis        X: 718.7 Y: 881.2
Gamma   Lipi           X: 547.5 Y: 882.3
Delta   Antliae        X: 305.0 Y: 883.3
Gamma   Antliae        X: 283.1 Y: 885.4
Nu      Draconis       X: 230.0 Y: 886.1
Beta    Ophiuchi       X:  47.9 Y: 887.5
Beta    Antliae        X: 270.6 Y: 891.0
Gamma   Ophiuchi       X:  33.3 Y: 891.6
Epsilon Antliae        X: 253.5 Y: 891.7
Alpha   Hyades         X: 832.2 Y: 893.4
Delta   Hyades         X: 824.9 Y: 895.8
Beta    Hyades         X: 837.5 Y: 895.8
Delta   Lipi           X: 564.5 Y: 897.9
Alpha   Antliae        X: 268.7 Y: 900.0
Gamma   Hyades         X: 837.5 Y: 904.1
        Groombridge    X: 996.0 Y: 904.2 [2A] Rainbow world
Alpha   Librae         X: 735.4 Y: 906.2
Zeta    Librae         X: 783.3 Y: 908.3
Zeta    Antliae        X: 258.1 Y: 910.5
Gamma   Librae         X: 754.5 Y: 910.7
Beta    Librae         X: 741.4 Y: 912.4 [25] HW of Supox
Epsilon Hyades         X: 850.0 Y: 912.5
Epsilon Corvi          X:  10.4 Y: 912.5
Eta     Librae         X: 788.9 Y: 918.1
Delta   Librae         X: 779.1 Y: 918.7
Epsilon Librae         X: 779.1 Y: 922.9
        Menkar         X: 481.2 Y: 927.0
Zeta    Hyades         X: 850.0 Y: 937.2 [16] Utwig`s Bomb (VI-B)
Lambda  Hyades         X: 725.5 Y: 937.4
Eta     Hyades         X: 845.8 Y: 939.3
Delta   Corvi          X: 100.0 Y: 939.5
Beta    Lyncis         X: 571.1 Y: 947.5
Gamma   Corvi          X:   6.2 Y: 947.9
Eta     Lyncis         X: 598.9 Y: 949.6
Iota    Hyades         X: 800.0 Y: 950.5
Epsilon Lyncis         X: 532.9 Y: 953.8
Beta    Klystron       X: 291.6 Y: 954.1
Theta   Hyades         X: 829.6 Y: 954.8
Alpha   Lyncis         X: 560.0 Y: 955.2
Kappa   Hyades         X: 766.4 Y: 958.9
Theta   Lyncis         X: 612.5 Y: 960.4
Delta   Aquilae        X: 914.4 Y: 968.6
Gamma   Lyncis         X: 578.1 Y: 971.1
Zeta    Lyncis         X: 522.9 Y: 972.9
Gamma   Aquilae        X: 912.0 Y: 974.1
Beta    Aquilae        X: 918.6 Y: 974.1
Alpha   Aquilae        X: 915.9 Y: 974.5 [0F] Trader
        Vega           X:  33.3 Y: 975.0
Epsilon Aquilae        X: 914.7 Y: 979.0
Delta   Lyncis         X: 570.4 Y: 979.5 [1C] Beast for ZUX
Beta    Corvi          X:  33.3 Y: 981.2 [14] HW of Gas race
Eta     Corvi          X: 102.0 Y: 993.7
Zeta    Corvi          X:   8.3 Y: 997.9
Alpha   Klystron       X: 193.7 Y: 997.9

        Microscopii    X: 439.5 Y: 997.9

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