Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Playstation 4 Cheats - Never Alone

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Insightful (Gold Trophy) --- You found and viewed all the Cultural Insights.

Secret Trophies
To unlock the following Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Bola Expert (Bronze Trophy) --- Nuna and Fox evaded a stranger.
Caribou Feet (Silver Trophy) --- Nuna and Fox restored what once was.
Close Call (Bronze Trophy) --- Fox saved Nuna from a dangerous predator.
Dendrologist (Bronze Trophy) --- You found all the Cultural Insights in the Forest.
Highs and Lows (Bronze Trophy) --- Nuna and Fox kept their heads in the Northern Lights.
Homecoming (Bronze Trophy) --- Nuna safely returned to her village.
Sea and Air (Bronze Trophy) --- Nuna and Fox touched the sky.
Seaside Lessons (Bronze Trophy) --- You found all Cultural Insights in the Coastal Village.
Swallowed (Bronze Trophy) --- Nuna and Fox encountered an old enemy and a new friend.
Swimming Through History (Bronze Trophy) --- You found all the Cultural Insights in the Whale Spirit.
The Cold Truth (Bronze Trophy) --- You found all the Cultural Insights in the Ice Floes.
The Old Ways (Bronze Trophy) --- Nuna and Fox defeated their strongest foe.
Tundra Expert (Bronze Trophy) --- You found all the Cultural Insights in the Tundra.
Village Historian (Bronze Trophy) --- You found all the Cultural Insights in Nuna's Village.

DLC Trophies - Foxtales
To unlock the following Foxtales DLC Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Respect For All Things (Silver Trophy) --- Nuna and Fox deated a formidable foe.
River Experts (Gold Trophy) --- You found and viewed all the Cultural Insights.
There Was a Village (Bronze Trophy) --- Nuna and Fox left the destroyed Village behind.

Trying to Set Things Right (Bronze Trophy) --- Nuna and Fox continued after the Mouse.

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