Thursday, October 6, 2016

Playstation 4 Cheats - The Mahjong

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
1 Person Tobi (Bronze) --- Bust a player.
10 Types of Yaku (Bronze) --- Win hands with 10 different yaku.
15 Types of Yaku (Bronze) --- Win hands with 15 different yaku.
2 Person Tobi (Silver) --- Bust 2 players at the same time.
20 Types of Yaku (Silver) --- Win hands with 20 different yaku.
25 Wins (Bronze) --- Win 25 matches.
3 Dora Win (Bronze) --- Win a hand with 3 or more dora tiles.
3 Hours of Play (Bronze) --- Total play time exceeds 3 hours.
3 Renchan Wins (Bronze) --- Win 3 times in a row when in the Renchan position.
3 Yaku Win (Bronze) --- Win a hand with a yaku value of 3 or better.
5 Consecutive Victories in M1 Mode (Bronze) --- Win 5 matches in a row in M1 Mode.
5 Dora Win (Bronze) --- Win a hand with 5 or more dora tiles.
5 Renchan Wins (Silver) --- Win 5 times in a row when in the Renchan position.
5 Types of Yaku (Bronze) --- Win hands with 5 different yaku.
5 Yaku Win (Bronze) --- Win a hand with a yaku value of 5 or better.
50 Wins (Silver) --- Win 50 matches.
7 Dora Win (Silver) --- Win a hand with 7 or more dora tiles.
7 Yaku Win (Silver) --- Win a hand with a han yaku of 7 or better.
Acquire all Trophies (Platinum) --- Acquire all trophies.
Challenge Mode 100% Mastered (Gold) --- Complete 100% of Challenge Mode.
Challenge Mode 50% Mastered (Bronze) --- Complete 50% of Challenge Mode.
Final Score of 100,000 without Special Rules (Bronze) --- Achieved a final score of 100,000 without any special rules active.
Final Score of 110,000 with Warame (Bronze) --- Achieve a final score of 110,000 with the warame rule active.
Final Score of 120,000 with Dai Warame (Bronze) --- Achieve a final score of 120,000 with the dai warame rule active.
Final Score of 120,000 with Doukasen (Bronze) --- Achieved a final score of 120,00 with the doukasen rule active.
Free Play Match (Bronze) --- Play a match online in Free Play.
Play 100 Matches (Silver) --- Play 100 matches.
Play 50 Matches (Bronze) --- Play 50 matches.
Play for the First Time (Bronze) --- Play a match.
Rank A League Mastered in M1 Mode (Bronze) --- Completed the A Rank League in M1 Mode.
Rank B League Mastered in M1 Mode (Bronze) --- Completed the B Rank League in M1 Mode.
Rank C League Mastered in M1 Mode (Bronze) --- Completed the C Rank League in M1 Mode.
Rank G League Mastered in M1 Mode (Gold) --- Completed the G Rank League in M1 Mode.
Rank M League Mastered in M1 Mode (Silver) --- Completed the M Rank League in M1 Mode.
Ranked Play Match (Bronze) --- Play a match online in Ranked Play.
Turnaround Victory (Bronze) --- Achieve a turnaround victory during the Oorasu hand.
Turnaround Victory from Last Place (Silver) --- Achieve a turnaround victory while in fourth place during the Oorasu hand.
Undefeated Hanchansen (Silver) --- Won a Hanchansen match without loss.
Undefeated Tonpuusen (Bronze) --- Won a Tonpuusen match without loss.
Yakuman Win (Gold) --- Win a hand with a Yakuman.

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