Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Nintendo Wii U Cheats - Darksiders 2

Location of The Spectral Scythes Weapon
Inside "Chapter Five: Heart of the Mountain" Mission "Road to the Foundry", you will locate the Spectral Scythes within a hidden treasure chest towards far left of your entrance to the Foundry. It's inside the stone pavement area when you finally cross the bridge which leads straight away to the Foundry's doors, search for the chest at the rear of the large statue and pillar.

Beating Bheithir Strategy
When battling Bheithir, bring her towards the right section from the platform. You are walking in reverse when you're locked by her like a target. When timed properly, you should fall down on a tiny lip on the edge of the platform. Now keep shooting her from that location to beat Bheither

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