Monday, August 8, 2016

Playstation Vita Cheats - Gravity Badgers

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Badger and Commander (Gold Trophy) --- Get all Energy Cores.
Badger of Honor (Bronze Trophy) --- Collect 3 Energy Cores in any level.
Come at me Badger! (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat the first boss with a perfect score.
Committed to the fight (Silver Trophy) --- Finish the game.
Gravity Badger Captain (Bronze Trophy) --- Get 75 Energy Cores.
Gravity Badger Colonel (Bronze Trophy) --- Get 150 Energy Cores.
Honey Badger don't give a... (Silver Trophy) --- Defeat the fourth boss with a perfect score.
Let's finish this worm (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat the fourth boss.
Opened up a whole can of worms (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat the first boss.
Setting you up for a fall (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat the third boss with a perfect score.
Welcome to the Gravity Badgers (Bronze Trophy) --- Finish all 9 Tutorial levels.
Who are you calling a skunk? (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat the second boss with a perfect score.
Won't worm your way out of this one (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat the second boss.

You spineless coward! (Bronze Trophy) --- Defeat the third boss.

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