Monday, February 15, 2016

Nintendo Wii U Cheats - Ittle Dew

Piece of paper locations
Gather the following pieces of paper to enhance your overall health:
- Castle (second floor), southeast.
- Toasty Cave, last room, Fire Sword required.
- Cave in Western Island, Fire Sword required.
- Warped Woods, last room, Portal Wand required.
- Cave in Eastern Island, Portal Wand required.
- Castle (second floor), east, Fire Sword and Portal Wand required.
- Castle (first floor), west, Fire Sword and Portal Wand required.
- Castle (second Floor), southwest, Fire Sword and Portal Wand required.
- That Cold Place, last room, Ice Wand required.
- Cave in Swamp, Ice Wand required.
- Castle (first floor), southwest, Fire Sword, Ice Wand, and Portal Wand required.
- Castle (first floor), northeast, Fire Sword, Ice Wand, and Portal Wand required.

Card locations
Search the following locations to discover the below listed card.
- Apathetic Frog: Tutorial Cave.
- Brutus: Castle (first floor), center.
- Chilly Roger: Cave in Swamp.
- Crystal: Castle (second floor), east.
- Fishbun: Cave in Western Island.
- Flopflop: Cave in Eastern Island.
- Gate: Castle (first floor), west.
- Incredibly Ugly Statue: Cave in Swamp.
- Itan Carver: Master Cave, second floor.
- Ittle Dew: Master Cave, first floor.
- Jenny Rich Monsteur (Berry): Castle (first floor), West.
- Jenny Rich Monsteur (Bun): Cave in Western Island.
- Jenny Rich Monsteur (Deer: Cave in Eastern Island.
- Jenny Rich Monsteur (Fox): Castle (first floor), east.
- Jenny Rich Monsteur (Frog): Castle (first floor), southeast.
- Lean Boo: Cave in Swamp.
- Masked Ruby: Cave in Western Island.
- Old Man: Cave in Eastern Island.
- Pancake: Castle (first floor), northeast.
- Petal Slug: Cave in Eastern Island.
- The Lichious Turnip: Cave in Swamp.
- Tippsie: Master Cave, first floor.
- Titan de Graphiques: Castle (second floor), north.
- Turnip: Castle (second floor), West.
- Ultra Fishbunjin 3000: Master Cave, first floor.
- Volcano Express: Cave in Western Island.

Keepin It Jenny achievement guide

To stay clear of damaging Jennys, choose either the Ice Wand or Fire Sword path. Progress at a sensible rate and gather a minimum of 4 pieces of paper. Keep in mind: Freezing a Jenny does not count as issue.

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