Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Xbox One Cheats - The Banner Saga

Complete one of the following achievements to collect their Xbox Live Gamerscore points:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Backbiter (15 GP) --- Defeat an enemy with a Backbiter.
Beat the Odds (50 GP) --- Whew...Egil made it the whole way!
Bowmaster (15 GP) --- Defeat an enemy with a Bowmaster.
Challenge (50 GP) --- Complete the game on Hard difficulty level without losing a single battle.
Diplomat (25 GP) --- Unlock by getting permission to destroy a varl landmark.
Eagle Eye (15 GP) --- Defeat an enemy with an Eagle Eye.
Forced March (25 GP) --- Reach Boersgard in 120 days.
Godstone Bjorulf (25 GP) --- Visit the godstone Bjorulf.
Godstone Denglr (25 GP) --- Visit the godstone Denglr.
Godstone Dundr (15 GP) --- Visit the godstone Dundr.
Godstone Hadrborg (25 GP) --- Visit the godstone Hadrborg.
Godstone Hridvaldyr (25 GP) --- Visit the godstone Hridvaldyr.
Godstone Ingrid (15 GP) --- Visit the godstone Ingrid.
Godstone Marek (15 GP) --- Visit the godstone Marek.
Godstone Radormyr (25 GP) --- Visit the godstone Radormyr.
Godstone Stravhs (25 GP) --- Visit the godstone Stravhs.
Grudgewielder (15 GP) --- To unlock - Defeat an enemy with a Grudgewielder.
Hard Difficulty (50 GP) --- Complete the game on Hard difficulty.
High Spirits (50 GP) --- Complete the game without ever getting low morale.
Hunter (40 GP) --- Defeat an enemy with a Hunter.
Innocent (15 GP) --- Alette doesn't want to harm humans or varl...don't make her.
Master Tactician (25 GP) --- Win a battle on Hard difficulty in the camp Training Tent using 6 rank 5 units.
Mender (15 GP) --- Defeat an enemy with a Mender.
Normal Difficulty (25 GP) --- Complete the game on Normal difficulty.
Provoker (15 GP) --- Unlock by defeating an enemy with a Provoker.
Quartermaster (15 GP) --- Complete the game without letting anyone in your caravan die to hunger.
Raidmaster (40 GP) --- Defeat an enemy with a Raidmaster.
Shieldmaster (25 GP) --- Defeat an enemy with a Shieldmaster.
Siege Archer (40 GP) --- Defeat an enemy with a Siege Archer.
Skystriker (15 GP) --- Defeat an enemy with a Skystriker.
Spearmaster (25 GP) --- Defeat an enemy with a Spearmaster.
Strongarm (25 GP) --- Defeat an enemy with a Strongarm.
Thrasher (25 GP) --- Defeat an enemy with a Thrasher.
Treasure Hunter (15 GP) --- Acquire 5 rank 5 items.
Warden (15 GP) --- Defeat an enemy with a Warden.
Warhawk (40 GP) --- Defeat an enemy with a Warhawk.
Warleader (40 GP) --- Defeat an enemy with a Warleader.
Warmaster (15 GP) --- Defeat an enemy with a Warmaster.

Warmonger (25 GP) --- Fight 40 battles in a single playthrough.

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